chapt. 19 - talent show!

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Countess POV
After the 'ciel is Rudolf the red nose raindeer' incident, we then headed of to class.
But little did I know (song reference jk this sentence just reminds me of a song XD) that kaname had his eyes on me looking a jealousy.
I smirked at him and then we took or leave to class.

Sebby POV (bet cha didn't see that coming!)
Meow.... Meow.... Meow...(lol)

(jk) Countess is now my master~ I wonder how I will be treated, my last master was abusive and the one before and the one before, before... Let's just say all my pervious masters were abusive so I call off our contract.

I do have a human for I just stay in kitty form to not take up to much space and is small enough that I am portable in pockets bags and ect...

My human form looks like this ⬇
(I know who it is but it he is to cute to say no too~)

I have to find a way to get Countess alone to full make a contract with her and mark her off the market for other yōkais like me

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I have to find a way to get Countess alone to full make a contract with her and mark her off the market for other yōkais like me...

Kaname POV
That cat seems a little off... Well... I don't get a good vibe from it.
It seem evil to me from its aura.
"Kaname what are you glaring out," countess hissed at me while we were in class.
I made her sit next to me in class since we all have assigned seats so I assigned her the seat next to mine.

The whole time countess wasn't paying attention to class or me (speak about yandere). I swear that cat is on my last nerve.
I don't care is Countess hates me.
She is mine! Mine! Mine!
Countess was so happy with that cat thing that I want to just kill it.

She was smiling at it and peting it like it was the only thing in the world that she needs.
I stared at them.
The cat looked at me as if it was mocking me.
It purred and Nuzzled its petty face into countess' small hands.

She didn't seem to mind at all.
When class ended she picked up that cat and her bag and kissed its head?!
I was so pissed that my aura darkened imencly.
"Kaname is something the matter?" She asked glancing at me with murderous eyes.
She played attension to me~
"No," I said with a smile as she turned back peting the cat.

"Well stop with that dark aura of yours it is scaring my little sebby here," she said as she hugged the kitty and rubbed her nose onto its nose.
I managed a fake smile and nodded through grunted teeth.
"Sure thing countess," I smiled with irritation laced within my words.

Everyone trembled under my murderous glare except Ron, Z and Countess. Ciel and Sebastian well they didn't attend tonights session.
She nodded at the two males as they walked out, not spearing a glance for anyone.

I clenched my pencil so hard that it snapped in half.
I will do everything, and I mean everything to get her at tension back to me, hahaha, even if I have to lock her up.

Countess POV
"Countess come on today we have rehearsal for tomorrows event," z-kun says as I nodded happily.
I place Sebby on my head cause he didn't seem to mind it. He likes to snuggle into it.

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