chapt. 17

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I walked into my room only to find...

Kaname sitting on my bed waiting for my arrival. I nodded to the two as the left and stood outside. "Yes kaname?" I asked standing in front if him. "Come and sit here, next to me," he said patting a spot next to him. I shook my head. "I am fine thank you very much," I growled. But he pulled me down next to him. Except... It wasn't next to him. It was.... On his lap..... I fell on top of him with my face meeting his chest. "Why do you hate so much Countess?" He ask looking at me.

"I don't hate you..." I said looking down and then I looked up at him and smiled (fake) and said. "I despise you, now get your filthy hands of me you damn pureblood," I growled as squirmed in his embrace. "No." He said and pulled me tighter in his arms. I pushed and shoved and kicked, but nothing worked. I opened my mouth to call for help but kaname beat me to it.

He connected his lips onto mine as I struggled. He shoved his tongue into my mouth as we fought for domance. He won. 'No! Yuck!' I punched him and jumped away. I fell into my knees a few meters away and covered my mouth. Disgusting! I wiped it and rushed to the bathroom. I washed my mouth over several hundred times. And then return back to the room. Kaname smirk at me and then left.

I glared holes into his back in pure anger. My aura was deadly and if looks could kill everyone inside the radious if my deadly aura would be dead. I grunted and flopped into my bed. "Countess?" Ron questioned. "Stupid brat," I whispered under my breath as I sat up. "Yes?" I answered.

"You okay?" Z asked. I nodded and stood up. "Come on it's class time," I said and went out. "Countess!" Mina cheered and hugged me. "Hello mina-san," I said with a smile. She engulfed me into a tight hug. I grinned.

"Meow~" I looked around and didn't see, what I think was a cat. I looked through bag and found a little but kitty. ⬇

"meow~" it purred as I patted its head

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"meow~" it purred as I patted its head. "I think I am going to name you....."

A/n what should be its name? I am not sure. I will update as soon when I receive a name ^w^

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