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Countess POV
I know I can easily kill them singled handedly... But... I feels so resistricted to do so... Something is holding me back... But what? While we waited for the others to come and help us, I sat there and digged through my conscience. Fragments of memories scattered everywhere, thoughts and decisions flowing through as I walked down the narrow pathway. Then I saw something glow in the coner of my eye. A sliver light sealed by many golden chains. The massive lock sat upon the locks hiding the secret behind it. What is it?

I tried to peer through the gaps but it was no use... I tried to make out the shape and size of the object behind the chains, but it was covered... Whatever it was, I needed a key to get it...
I felt my outer body beginning lifted up as the person moved.
Discarding the thought, I continued to search for the key of something to pry open the lock...

It has been months since Countess had woken up. What the heck is she planing to do?! Z was pacing around as countess laid lifelessly.

"What are you doing Countess? What are you planning? Laying there won't help you! Wake up!" Z cried as he violently shook Countess' body. I sat there watching. Z was worried out of his mind. He was frightened. Despite the rough movements, Countess never stirred once. Z fell to his knees sobbing. He wanted Countess back. He wanted to know if she was okay. He and I both desperately wanted to she her bright smiling face again.

Why? Why are you not awake? What is wrong?! Why won't you tell me ever?! Why won't you ever let me HELP?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY MUST YOU KEEP DOING THINGS BY YOURSELF?! I held my face in the palms of my hands sobbing. Horrible memories then flew into my mind... Countess-

"Stand back!" Young Countess screamed to the men behind her as she drawed out her sword. The cuts and bruises stained her face with the dripping blood. "This was my fault to lead you guys to danger... And still you protected me... And now it is my turn to fight for you!" She spoke before she took of on her own. I was held back screaming and thrashing to be let go so that I could help my little princess.

The soldiers were ordered to take me back. Once I returned, I was placed into a room with Ron laying unconscious in. Several days later, Countess returned. I saw her laying limply in the arms of one of her men. They rushed her into the hospital in the company to try to save her. I sat there in despair and Ron comforted me.

We both were worried for her... We both were made at ourselves that we couldn't do anything... What kind of familiars do not protect their own masters? I buried my face into the palms of my hands as I sobbed quietly.

(Flashback end)

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