chapt. 21 SICK!!!!!!!

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Days past, after the successful talent show... I would be happy if I weren't in the situation I am currently in right now....

FOR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I AM SICK!!!!!! I don't know how but I just am...

"Countess, you should re-" I cut Ron of short as I lept out the window.
"Never in a million years!!!!!" I yelled.
"COUNTESS!!!!!!!!" he screamed.
Giggling to myself I raced into the woods.
Climbing up a tree, I sat on the most stable branch I could find.
The soft breeze ran through my hair as I looked up into the clear sky.
"Countess?" A voice called down below.
"Ciel? What a surprise! What are you doing out here at this time of day?" I asked looking down.
"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" He asked.
I stayed silent.
"Countess?" He repeated.
"N-no!" I stuttered and jumped of the branch.
"Go back to bed, you're sick!" Ciel sighed latching onto my arm.
"But its so boring~" I whined pouting.
Ciels eyes hardened as he continued to tug on my arm.
"No excuses. Back to bed Countess," he growled dragging me back to the dormitory.

I tugged harshly in attempt to escape but ending up being  cared my Sebastian.
"Sebastian, do you still have sebby?" I asked.
"Yes milady I still do and he is healthy as a cat should be," he grinned.
I gave sebby to sebastian, knowing that sebastian was going to either bother me just to see sebby.
I gave sebby to sebastian about a week ago... I wonder how he is.

"Sebastian this is an order, make sure she stays in bed and rests since she is practically dieing," Ciel ordered.
"Whatever are you talking about brother? I ain't on ma death bed," I stated confused.

"Well milady... I know this is rude but your face is a tomato... And I am not sure if that is what you call... Healthy," sebastian spoke carefully.
"Huh? I am not the tomato!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed finally registering what she had said.
Sebastian shut the doors with locks and locked the door pulling Ciel out as I tried to kill him for his mean comment.
"Let me out you jerk!" I screamed banging on the door.
"I am afraid I can't milady!" Sebastian replied as I heard snickers behind the door.
"Ciel you douchbag!!!!!" I growled kicking the door but it couldn't break.
"Hahahahaha!!!!! Rest well dear sister~" Ciel mocked as I heard foot steps fading away.

"Once I get out, you are dead meat, Ciel," I muttered evilly as I sat on the bed.
"I will get out... But how?"

A/n sorry I haven't been updating regularly... I have have been trying to adjust to school schedule and had a test... I sincerely apologize for making you guys wait so long. No promises to if I can update stories like this daily. Cuz I physically can due to my tight schedule... Sorry again but you will have to wait...

Everyone needs a hug,
So why be embarrassed?

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