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unnoticeable way "yeah she's really great I'm glad-" "may I speak to her for a quick moment," she asked slowly walking up the staircase "sure we'll just venture around here." Matthew said walking over to a big oil painting hanging on the far left corner of the staircase while Ben went and sat down on a futon and began playing a video game and Ryan just stood at the banister of the stairs "i'll be right back." I said walking up the staircase two steps at a time.


Isabella P.O.V.

I looked back one last time to make sure they weren't wandering out of the lobby. I closed the door, as I turned away from the door a big pile of purple envelopes were shoved in my face "uh...what are these?" I asked as I took them "they are invitations." she said in a bored voice while tapping her heel on the hardwood floor "w-what do you want me to do with them..." "what do think," she paused I just looked at them then back at her "you" she pointed at me "hand them out to people." she said slowly, I guess to make sure I would catch every word she was saying "ok I know but what about the chores..." I hesitated hoping she would let them slide "oh no your still doing those, but I need you to deliver these to everyone TODAY. The addresses are on the front." she said and with that she turned back to her desk I stood there for a minute until she looked up with an irritated glare "what?" she said "'s just that I have to deliver these and..." "stop muttering and get to the point." she said now fully concentrated on me "caniborrowyourcartodelivertheseplease." I said in one breath "what?" she said "can I borrow your car, I promise I won't scratch it or anything." "what really makes you think I would let you borrow my car?" "I'll be really responsible and these," I looked at the stack in my hands "are a lot of houses and I can't walk to all of them plus my bus pass has expired and jess can't give me a lift because she's in school right now..." "and who's falt is that?" she said obviously not fazed by my lack of transportation "please if you let me borrow your car this one time I'll do anything you ask." I pleaded "you will tutor Juliana in her history class as you know her grades are not the best." 'I knew that' I thought she said grabbing the keys off her desk and tossing them to me which thankfully landed on top of the stack of envelopes "oh thank you thank you." I squeaked "if I find even the slightest scratch or dent in my car so help me you will be wishing-" she was cut off by a knock and the door opening "sorry didn't mean to interrupt but we should be going now." Ben said "oh before you go I have these for you," Melissa said getting up from her desk and grabbing three envelopes off the top and handing them to Ben "it for my daughter juliana's 18th birthday party I hope you and your friends can come." she looked at me "get going" she waved me off as Ben opened the door wider for me to get out "thanks, see ya later Ben," I said hoping down the stairs "bye Matthew bye Ryan." I got a bye fro Matthew and a glance from Ryan as I headed out the door.


I finally delivered all but one invitation to all the people that Melissa told me to and they were all on the rich side of town, you know the neighborhood that has all huge houses and everyone is snobby and rides super expensive cars I mean Melissa lives like that too, but we don't live in a place like this.

I looked at the adress on the envelope and pulled up into a circular driveway and looked up at the house it was soo beautiful the house was covered in white stone and had a big window in the middle of the house to show off a huge sparkling chandelier, and on the sides there were roses still in bloom despite the cold weather coming soon. I got out and walked up to the door and knocked I waited there for about two minutes when I heard a voice coming closer. The door opened to reveal an elderly woman "hello, may I help you?" she said she looked about sixty seven years old "um yes my stepsister is have a party and-" "who's at the door grandma?" that voice was all too familiar as the door was pulled open to reaveal Ethan "this pretty girl has something for you..." she said and with that she winked at her grandson and walked away he watched her go as I stood in silence 'why did she wink at him....did she think I'm his girlfriend uh I wish' I thought as he turned back around "hey," he smiled leaning in the doorway "hi...uh I'm sure Juliana told you this already so here." I held out the invitation "thanks," he said looking down at my outfit 'he's checking me out' I giggled in my head "uh what's with the uniform?" he questioned 'okay so maybe he wasn't' I thought obviously bummed "its a long story-" "I'm all ears." he said wanting to hear my explanation of why I'm wearing one of the school's uniforms.

So after I told him about the uniform thing I told him about Matthew, Ben, and Ryan and how they are from England and will be starting school tomorrow at Verona private. "wow so do you think they are handsome." he smiled "uh," I was thrown off there for a second "i guess they are cute, but I think jess has dibs on I guess why." "think they're more handsome than me?" I blushed completely stunned at what he just said he smirked at me waiting for an answer "uh...I-i think your reall-" "ethan sweetie can you help me in the kitchen?" his grandma showed up behind him 'saved by the grandma' I thought relieved "uh...well gotta get going" I smiled and with that I ran back to the car, starting it and pulling out the driveway I looked back in the rearview mirror as he went back in the house. "You're more handsome that you'd ever know...I wish you were mine..." I sighed as I made my way back home.


Hey guys I guess it's been awhile since I updated and i guess it's that time again.....finals so I will be studying my butt off for them seeing as how they are now worth 20 percent but don't worry the story will still continue on as you think izzy's feelings may change?


P.S. sorry for any type o's or however you spell it still getting use to this new phone

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