Chapter 2

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Becca hasn't spoken to me since the funeral last term. Well, yelled is a better word for spoken in this context. As I arrive back to Bane Academy, I remembered the very first time I set foot here. Excitement was in the air. The train station was loud with other students laughter and cheers. Werewolves were running around chasing each other, young wizards and witches were practicing their magic and Becca and I were overwhelmed from all the new sights and smells, excited to see our new dorm and start classes.
  It's nothing like that today.
  Liam's death has made an enormous grey cloud over the academy. Even the shadowhunters who bullied Liam don't look so flash.
  I immediately make my way out of the station past the Mortal Instruments block and make a right when I hit the huge grassed area to the dormitories, hoping Becca won't be there yet.
  I quietly open the door and stick my head inside. Quiet, just as I hoped. I tip toe around the kitchen, past the living room and down the hallway into my room. No one is here, so I quickly unpack everything within ten minutes, shove my empty suitcase under my bed, stack my books onto of my dresser and run out the room to the kitchen. I stop in my tracks, Becca is right in front of me as I open the bedroom door.
   "Hey." I say looking at the ground.
  I can feel her narrowing her eyes at me. She then turns into the other bedroom and unpacks her stuff on Alex's bed.
   "So are you and Alex switching?" I ask her, but she carries on with what she's doing. "Ah." I say to myself. "Look Becca, I'm so sor-"
   "I don't care." Becca says slamming a book onto the top bunk.
   "Shae, I still don't forgive you for putting everyone's lives at stake in the arena." Becca says coldly, still facing away from me.
  I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.
   "And if you think about it, you basically killed Liam."
  The words 'killed Liam' send shivers up my spine from the small of my back all the way up to my shoulders and down my arms, making my eyes water.
   "Excuse me?" My voice cracks.
  Becca turns her body right around facing me. "If you never dobbed in my friends, they never would've tried to sabotage the arena."
   "Are you listening to yourself?!" I snap at her. "They're not your friends!"
   "Yes they are! They just-they got like NO chill when they're sober, or somethin-I don't know." Becca stammers.
   "I'm leaving." I say calmly, and I head out the door to the secret garden.

                       *          *          *

   "...And now she hates me, and I don't know what to do." I finish.
  The entire garden is blooming, not as much as it did at the very beginning of the year, but it's still beautiful. The grass is like silk running through my fingers. I'm talking to Skia in her dog form, it's the first time I've seen her in over two weeks.
  Skia barks in reply.
   "Make it up to her? How?" I ask.
  Skia barks again.
   "Yeah, like that'll ever work." I reply.
  Skia whines and rubs her paw on her head.
   "Sorry, I've been talking about her a lot." I apologise. "Come on, lets go back to the cabin." And at that, Skia perks up, jumps up on me and licks my face. "Gross!" I laugh, wiping my face dry with my sleeve.
  And we run out of the secret garden, taking the almost impossible route out of the forest and head for the dormitories.

   "Well look who it is. Hello Shae." A voice from behind me, and Skia growls. "Suprised to see you back."
   "Hi Dale." I sigh. "I'm just on my way back to my dorm." I say continuing to walk.
   "I've been meaning to talk to you."
   "About what?" I snap.
   "About the arena. And your buddy Liam."
  I stop and turn around. My heartbeat is racing and my fists are clenched.
  Dale is half a head taller than me, but I'm stronger. His blueish grey eyes are narrowed at me, one of them is covered by his straight, brown hair. He shows me his crooked smile.
   "Your performance was quite impressive. Must've been one hell of a shock to come back to see what you've caused." Dale says smirking. "You know, I'm kinda glad Liam is gone. He was a waste of space."
   "Stop it." I say.
   "He was never fit to be a Shadowhunter, he was weak."
   "I'm warning you." I say, Skia barks a few times then growls, it doesn't make any difference though, he can't hear her.
   "He did everyone here a favour taking his life."
   "SHUT UP!" I yell.
  Before I know it, Dale is on the ground with his hand up to the left side of his face while I'm standing over him. He looks up at me and scolds, but then his eyes drift away from mine to something behind me.
   "Oh my face! It hurts so bad!" He cries suddenly. "She punched me! I was only asking how hard Liam's death is on her!"
  Rapid footsteps get louder and louder behind me when a teacher passes me to Dale's aid.
  You've gotta be kidding me.
   "Miss Fall! This behaviour is totally unacceptable! To John Greens office! Now!" Yells the teacher as she kneels down to Dale.
  But I don't bother arguing, I do as she says and Skia follows without making a noise.

   "How can someone say something like that after getting punched in the face hard? It didn't hurt him as much as he complained, he did that so I'd get in trouble." I explain.
   "But never the less, you did punch him." John Green reasons.
   "Well, he had it coming." I mutter.
  I'm in John Green's office, which has bean bags, toys for the younger students and inspirational quotes hanging from the walls all around the room. And also has a disgusting green carpet.
   "And what about your fear? Does anyone else know?"
   "I only ever told Liam." I reply. I've also told Skia, but I can't say that to him, Skia is at my feet, sitting obediently.
   "Well, I've been meaning to tell you some news."
   "Is it good or bad news."
   "It depends on how you take it." He smiles. "I've talked to Mr. Eaton and convinced him to move the fear landscapes to this term instead of next term for you and Becca's benefit."
   "What?! Mr. Green, you can't do that."
   "This is the most effective way to get over it, you can't keep running away from it." John says.
  I open my mouth to protest, but I know he's right. "Fine."
   "Great, meet him at the Dauntless class on Monday's and Wednesday's after school."
   "Will Becca be there?"
   "No, she's there on Tuesday's and Friday's. Goodbye Shae, see you soon."

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