Chapter 8

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"The term is nearly half way over." I say to Skia, lunging my mattress into the secret garden. "Then after that is term 4. I'll just stay here until the year is finished. Then at the end of the year when the exams are over, you and I can run away and get out of this place."
It's around seven o'clock at night, but the sun is still up. Winter is turning into spring, the days are getting longer, there are more sun showers, it's getting warmer and the leaves are growing back on trees. I've never seen a season transfer as beautiful as it is at Bane Academy.
Sadly, nature is the only thing left I find beautiful.

The Divergent block, the Glade, the arena, everything in the school I once saw as magnificent at the beginning at the year is nothing but grey buildings to me now. I don't go out after school to socialise and I don't go to the library or any parties, the most social activities I get up to now is either talking to John, Skia and sitting with the Ravenclaw quidditch team before they go out on the field. They don't mind me that much now, and even if they did, they can't get away from me, not until they play of course.
I even get confused with my waking life and my sleeping life, in both there are people muttering to their friends about what they think I've done, giving me dirty looks. A few weeks ago I even got ambushed by some young shadow hunters/huntresses in my class as I was leaving the Divergent block from fear landscape classes. Becca was there, but she wasn't attacking. She just stood there, horrified by what was happening. Although she knew what was happening wasn't right, she did nothing to help me and ran as I was screaming for her to help me.
Once that was over, I limped over to John Green's office and told him what has happened. I tried persuading him to let me leave the school, to go back home and erase Bane Academy from my life. By the end, he stood up and walked over to the other side of the room and read a quote off of his wall. "Be strong. Because things will get better. It may be stormy now but it never rains forever." It read.
John Green persuaded me to stay until the end of the year and to talk to him whenever I needed to until then.
"When the exams are done, you can decide whether you want to stay another year, or to leave." He says. "And keep your friends close."
"I don't have any friends." I replied.
"Nonsense." He chuckled. "You have me and you have your tiger."
My eyes shot open. "How did you-"
"Relax." John says. "No one knows but me. I can keep a secret."
When I went back to the dorm that night, it must've been late. As my head hit the pillow, I smiled for the first time in ages. But although I was smiling, I felt sad. I felt sad because I missed being with Alex, I remember all the laughs and adventures we had in such a short period of time. I remember the first time we met, the first time we kissed and I regretted breaking up with him so much. But I felt happy because I would no longer drag him through what I'm going through. He wouldn't be ambushed for being friends with me and he wouldn't be gossiped about for still being with me. That's the same with everyone in my dorm, I feel that if I disconnect from them, they would be happy.

Skia follows me, carrying my pillows and blankets on her back. She barks three times in reply, she's in her dog form.
"Of course I'm not over reacting. Plus, I'll be out of everyone's way."
Skia tilts her head and barks again.
"I'm not avoiding anyone." I convince Skia.
She barks again.
"Okay, fine." I groan. "I lied." I admit. "But the only reason I'm avoiding everyone is because they think I'm a murderer. Do you know what that feels like?"
Skia looks down at her paws and sighs.
"Oh, sorry. Sometimes I forget that I found you with Maniaes." I apologise.
She nudges me with her forehead and barks, followed by a whine.
"Don't worry, you're going to stay this way. You're not going to forget me and you're not going to turn back into a Maniae, because that's not who you are. THIS is who you are. Nothing's going to happen, and I won't let anything happen to you. And that's a promise." I tell her, bringing her in closer.

* * *

Although I hate being in a Mortals Instruments class because everyone hates me, I do enjoy Arts and Runes with Clary.
Arts and Runes, Battle Skills and Demonic History are all in one large stone building with high ceilings, but are obviously split into three individual classes. The windows aren't in the standard square or rectangle shape, they're beautifully curved and patterned all up the walls, intertwining the delicate glass with the hard stone.
Although it's the one subject where I can go to the corner of the class while painting by myself, doing my own thing, I still get a few dirty looks and hear a few murmurs and whispers.
"Whatcha doing?" Andrew asks from behind me.
"Uh, painting." I say startled. "Didn't expect you'd be talking to me. Well, anyone for that matter." I laugh nervously.
"Don't get used to it." He says. I'm not sure if he's being sarcastic or not. "What are you painting? I see you're using a lot of red. Is that for Liam's blood and how it all drained out from you stabbing him to death?"
Woah, okay then.
"It's a painting of a red climbing rose." I reply.
"Hmm, was my question not subtle enough?" Andrew mocks. "Why did you kill him?" He towers over me. I'm 5'5 and he must be nearly 5'8, but with me sitting down, it looks like he's 10 foot.
"I didn't kill Liam." I reply, acting calm and looking him dead straight in the eye. "You can say whatever you want to me, Andrew. Because I'm not letting you or anyone push me around anymore!"
By the end I've stood up, almost to Andrews level, and am yelling at him in front of the whole class. The air stands still. Suddenly all the dirty looks have vanished and have been replaced by fear. All eyes are on me, including Becca's. I let the air rush into and escape from my shaky lungs before replying.
"My name is Shae Fall." I announce, trying to not let my voice quaver. "And I did not kill Liam Whiteland."
And with that, I run past Becca, out the classroom and go back to the secret garden.

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