Chapter 13

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About a week and a half had passed since Slytherin won the Third Quarter Cup. I don't pay that much attention to the games, but I think that makes it one all to Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Next term's game will be a tiebreaker, unless Hufflepuff pull through. That's be interesting.
Anyway, as far as I'm aware, Shae and Becca haven't spoken since, and neither have Shae and Alex. Both Nat and Kyle seem to have disappeared from the scene, only ever showing up for quick meals and then coming back late at night to avoid the tension. The group had been completely torn apart - just when I thought I had some real friends for once. However, I did find comfort in that little winged lemur thing I'd rescued from the bushes. She would come and visit me every now and then, timidly at first but eventually getting used to me. She would only appear to me when I was alone as other people scared her. Loud noises caused her cookie-dough fur to bristle, so I was always quiet with her. I'm thinking of calling her Biscuit. Not sure yet.
But anyway, it's a Thursday afternoon and the sun is hanging off of the horizon, throwing futile rays of yellow over the tops of the mountains in the West. The air is warm and full of excited buzzing as the Gladers run about in a frenzy. I wonder what's got them going.
By the time the sun loses its grip on the mountains, the night sky had already started twinkling with stars. I wander around for another half an hour before heading back to the dorm, not exactly loving the idea of staying out past curfew with so much excitement in the air. There's bound to be a lot more staff out because of it.

Someone shakes me awake impatiently. My dreams fade from darkness to dim as Becca's face appears above me.
"Geez you sleep like the dead," she mutters, then looks mildly amused at her unintentional joke.
"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"Why does something have to be wrong?" She replies, taking my hand and pulling me up from the bed then out the door.
We sneak quietly past the other rooms and through the kitchen, and soon Becca is unlocking the front door. I take in deep breaths of the crisp night air as I try to suppress the waves of heat rolling through my body. This is the most physical contact I've had with Becca since last term. Her tight grasp on my hand is making my stomach flutter like a year seven's when a girl talks to him for the first time. Stupid and uncontrollable. Get yourself together, man.
"Where are we going?" I ask skeptically now, acutely aware of the curfew.
"Why do we have to be going anywhere?" Becca says in a bubbly voice, the moonlight illuminating her huge smile. What the hell? I mean, I want her to be happy, but she hasn't been this happy since Liam died. The suddenness is overwhelming.
Anyway, the two of us creep through the halls until we come to one of the walls behind the maze. There she stops and turns on me with a devilish smile. I back up a little as she comes closer, my heartbeat quickening.
"Why so timid today?" She giggles as she grasps the material of my jumper and pulls me closer. Now we're pressed against each other, my back to the concrete.
"I'm not t-timid," I stutter. Shit. Why am I so jumpy? Why is my heart beating so fast? It's not like we've never been this close before.
Next thing I know, she's pressing her mouth against mind impatiently.


"Oi!" an annoyingly familiar voice interrupts. I break away from Fade, leaving him breathing heavily and slouching against the wall.
"Dale? What the hell?" I yell at him, angry that he'd disturbed my distraction. He jogs up to us, Shae in tow.
"What do you guys think you're doing out past curfew?" He half smirks.
My frustration builds as the two join us. Fade looks like he's pinned to a specimen board, his eyes wide and looking very flustered with his slightly ruffled hair.
"What are YOU guys doing out past curfew? And why are you with him?" I direct my second question at Shae, not leaving out any of the disgust in my voice.
"Hey!" Calls a new, much more authority-based voice. "What're you four doing?"
The good girl inside of me panics for a millisecond at the notion of being in trouble, but I squash it down into the insignificant nothingness it is and face the teacher with a satisfied smirk.
"Took you long enough," I mutter under my breath.
The teacher, a tall, thin lady with a skin tight dress and thick heels, scowls at me. Her straight brown hair is pulled back into a perfect pony tail.
"Detention, all four of you. You know the rules about curfew."
"Now?" Shae blurts out, the first words I'd heard her speak.
"Yes, now." The lady repeats, narrowing her eyes at us. "To Mr. Alby's office, right now."
"Whatever." Dale grumbles.
The teacher turns to leave, her pony tail swishing perfectly behind her.
"Thanks a lot!" I throw my hands in the air at Dale and spin on my heels. I start towards the Maze Runner commons, a complaining Dale, a frustrated Shae and a silent Fade following close behind.

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