Chapter 6

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My eyes have shot wide open. I quickly scan the room, but all I see is my horrified self in the mirrored walls. For a split second, I finally see myself as if I'm looking at another person, from a different point of view. My eyes have black, droopy bags under them, my hair is thinning and my skin is dirty. I look horrible, weak and tired. I don't look like me at all. I hear a click from the machine and snap my neck to my left and see Tobias.
"Looks like we've got a lot of work ahead of us for the next several weeks." He says giving me a weak smile. "You did-"
The door slams open. "What the fuck was that!?"
"Oh, hey Bec, I was-I was just going to come in to check on you." Tobias stutters, scratching the back of his neck.
"Why did you set up the simulation and have Shae as part of it?" Becca asks, walking towards Tobias.
"Well, Shae wasn't part of the sim. She WAS in the sim, I hooked you two up. Mr. Green's idea." Tobias says quickly, shifting the blame onto John.
Becca's eyes dart towards me quickly as soon as Tobias mentions my name, as if she only just noticed that I was in the room. "Why would you put me with HER?" Becca demands and points at me.
But I get where she's coming from, her appearance came as a shock to me as much as it did to her.
Becca's fears were also a shock to me. Heights and drowning? After all the years of being friends with her since we were young, she never spilt out her fears to me. Not ever. And come to think of it, neither did I.
"Today was for me to see where you two are. On Thursday I'm going to go in with you as a guide, as both of you have a fear of mine." Tobias explains. "We'll only venture into the fears displayed from today."
"What's the point of us doing it together?" I ask him. "Why not individually like Mr. Green promised?"
Tobias sighs. "John thinks it's best to try to connect you two back together."
"But why? I'm fine." Becca explains crossing her arms.
"Because before Liam's death, you two were glued together, now you're doing everything and anything to avoid each other." Tobias says in a more serious tone. "This shouldn't tear you two apart." Tobias finishes. Both Becca and I look down when he says this.
"It's our choice." Becca says sternly, her eyes narrow as they always do when she's angry. "You can't force people to be friends! Especially when it's her!"
"Drop dead, Becca!" I shout.
"Hey!" Tobias interrupts, Becca and I scold each other. "Becca, you are correct. No one can force you two to be friends." Tobias says calmly. "But nevertheless, you two still have to come here every Monday and Thursday after school. See you later."

"Hey." Alex greets me in the secret garden.
"Hi." I reply nervously.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Alex asks as he sits down on the grass in front of me. "You okay? You're hands are shaking." He says, his big, round blue eyes are on me and he takes my hands and cup them in his, blowing on them to warm them up.
"I'm fine." I smile. "I just-I want to tell you something."
"Um, okay. Go on." He replies. He knows there's something wrong, that somethings not right.
"Okay. You know I love you, right?" I start.
Alex leans forward quickly, gently puts his hand behind my head and kisses me slowly. When he leans back, his eyes drop to the ground. He knows what's happening.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles. "I just had to do that before you broke up with me."
"I just need to sort myself out, get me back to normal."
"I can help you." He says quickly. "I'll stick by your side. I'll do anything. Shae, please." He begs.
A teardrop rolls down his cheek from his left eye, and I wipe it off while trying not to burst out in tears myself. I hold his head in my hands.
"Alex-please don't make this-this harder than it already is." I whisper, and my voice cracks.
Alex doesn't reply, he just stares at the ground with his mouth slightly open, his breathing increases. "No, no." He says snapping out of his trance. "It's fine." He stands up. "I'll see you around." Alex says to me, trying his hardest to wear that cheeky and brave smile, but he doesn't pull it off. I go to call him back, to tell him that change my mind, but I stop myself. This is the right thing to do.
Skia emerges from the bushes in her tiger form as soon as Alex has left. She slowly tip-toes her way over to me with worry in her eyes. She softly nudges my chin with her forehead and I bring her into me and sob into her silky fur...

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