Contridictions (Chapter Two)

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"Hey, Amber, what happened?" Luke asked tenderly, not wanting to push me too far. Funny how I usually talked like this to Zeke.

I handed him my phone and he played the voicemail left by the police. They had found Zeke, and he was dead. Along with my mom and dad.
Suicide murder, they said not telling me the details.

     What I did know is that Zeke had killed my parents and then himself, I wasn't sure if I believed it yet. I told them to make sure Zeke wasn't at the same funeral as my parents. I couldn't handle anything though, I had decided that I wasn't going to the funeral. I left my aunt in charge of that.

    Then, as Luke handed me my phone, I got another call.
"Hello?" I said in a shaky voice.
"Hi, is this Ms. Amber Worthington?" A lady asked.
"Yes, why?" I said a bit more confident,  but definitely confused.
"I'm with the social services, I'm Miss. Young. Unfortunately, your aunt has refused to take you in, so you're going to go live with your mothers best friend, Mrs. Sofia Harvin." The lady said, clearly not negotiating anything.
"Why won't my aunt take me?" I asked her and wondered myself.
"She said she didn't wanna 'deal with the issues of yours?' Im not sure what that means, but you're leaving in five days, so pack your stuff."
"Five days?" I asked in disbelief. 
"Yes. Goodbye Ms. Worthington." She said before hanging up.

   What was I gonna do? Sofia lived in Oregon. I'd never be able to come back and visit, like ever. She knows me too well, she knows I'd run.

  "Luke, I'm really sorry, but can you leave for a little bit?" I said, my voice cracking in the process. "I need to think things over, and I wanna be alone."
He saw I was upset and nodded. I tried a small smile at him and gave him a hug.

  "I'm gonna call you, though if you don't answer me I'm showing up here." He said, not wanting anything bad to happen to me. I only nodded, not wanting to cry if I talked.

    After Luke left, I went upstairs. I walked into my bedroom and started thinking, before I knew it my feet were moving, and I was walking downstairs. I went outside and to my treehouse, I pulled out my little box and went to my room.

  Inside were things that I liked, or I wanted to keep. Things like my necklace from my grandma, my piano music box, and other odd things, and something new. I should've checked here before, Zeke had left me a note.
It was a note for the reason of his murder, apparently the suicide hadn't been planned, since he hadn't put anything close to that at all.
I won't go into detail about it but it was pretty much first mom and dad then me. He didn't get to me because he killed himself though.

  I started crying and I got a phone call. It was Luke and I pretty much just told him to leave me alone, and not to call me again. I cried some more when my phone rang again, I was about to tell Luke to go away forever when I realized it was Sofia.
"What." I said monotone.
"Hey, change of plans you'll be leaving December 6th and I'll meet you at the airport, okay?" She was talking to me as if I was a five year old who had just scraped their knee.
"Okay." I said flatly "Bye."
"Carter says hi." She said and hung up.
Cater hasn't even met me and he says hi? That's odd.

      Carter was her 9 year old son, he had never met me and from what I've heard is extremely shy. Why he said hi I wasn't sure, but I'd be living with him pretty soon, so it was whatever.

  The next few days went by in a whirlwind and it was almost time to leave. I wasn't too nervous I'd told my friends bye and I went home.
*         12/6
I walked over to the bathroom, I'd just gotten back from my last day at school, and it was December 6th. I was about to leave and I looked myself over in the mirror, wondering why I had to deal with all this.

I started to really look at myself and I analyzed everything about myself I had long, wavy hair and, my hair was blue ombré and I actually really liked it like that. I had green eyes, and freckles on my nose that I hated, I also had medium sized lips. I wore a band tee and ripped black skinny jeans with converse on my feet, I had places to be today, so I decided to put on a sweater. It was maroon and hand sleeves too long for me.
I went outside, watching the first bit of snow fall, it was extremely warm for Ohio this time of year, and I was slightly upset about it.

    I went to the social workers office and we discussed what was going on for the millionth time, and I was able to leave. I went to chipotle and then went home, and cried. This had been my routine for the past few days, and I didn't really care.

    I turned on come together by The Beatles and ate my food. Today was my last day, so I finished packing. I had given loads of clothes away and didn't have as much now. I'd already shipped over most of my clothes and other things, so the only things left were the clothes I was wearing, my make up, some jewelry, and my technology. I finished up packing and then fell asleep.
   My phone started going off and I rolled out of bed, quite literally, and fell on my face. I got my two bags and got in my car. I drove to the airport, and sat down. I waited until my plane was called and went to board the plane, unfortunately I'm the clumsiest person alive ever, and I know what your thinking. Isn't she a gymnast, gymnasts are graceful and stuff, right? No, that a total lie, I might me able to do a standing tuck but I can't stand on two feet, okay? So as I got on I tripped on nothing and fell. On my face.

  I know, graceful. But it gets better. I look up to see the most attractive person I've ever seen who offers to help me up. I accept and thank him.

  After I sit down in my seat I see someone sit next to me, I look over at the boy and it's him. It's the person who saw me fall flat on my face. I quickly turned away and internally face palmed. When I stopped looking out the window there was an awkward silence and he broke it.
"Hi. I'm Elliot." He said. He had light golden brown hair and hazel eyes leaning more towards brown though. And I was sitting there in silence thinking of what to say, like an idiot.
"Ummm hey I'm Amber." I said barley able to get the words out.

    "Amber, I like that." He said. I couldn't tell if he actually cared or was just being nice.
I then realized what I looked like. I had my hair pulled up in a ponytail, my glasses on and zero makeup. I also was wearing dirty jeans and a doctor who shirt with a black jacket on to top it off.

"How old are you?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
"I'm sixteen" I said kind of quietly.
"Really?" He said "I'm 16 and a half!" He said.
"I'm glad you can count I said sarcastically. "What school are you going to?"
"Jackson high school." I said (that's made up I don't know if it's a real school)
"Me too!"  He said almost overly excited. "What grade are you going into?"
"I'm gonna be a sophomore." I said, still mumbling.
"Same." He said.

   We kept talking and at one point I fell asleep. I didn't know I did but I woke up twenty minutes before we landed and when I did I was extremely embarrassed.
  Elliot's POV
Amber and I kept talking, she was pretty cool and I was very interested.
"Hey if you need any help with anything I'd be happy to help you out." I said, not wanting to come off as too strong.
"Hey, do you happen to know a Sofia?" She asked.
"Sofia Harvin?" I said. She was my next door neighbor and she was pretty cool. "Yeah she's my next door neighbor, why?"
"I'm gonna be living with her." She said while yawning.
"That's awesome." I said. I was really excited to be able to see Amber all the time.

     She fell asleep soon after in the middle of us debating over supernatural. Her head fell on my shoulder, and I was totally okay with that. 'I wonder if she has a boyfriend.' I found myself thinking. That's not okay, you literally just met her, chill. I turned on some music, and waited thinking to myself what it'd be like to have her as a friend. I didn't wanna mess that up, so I decided that I'd just not say anything until she said she felt the same.
Suddenly she woke up.

      "Hey." I said. "We're about to land, you woke up at the perfect time."
"Oh," she said still half asleep, but then she actually woke up and freaked out. "I'm sorry." She said
"About?" I asked wondering what she'd done.
"I fell asleep on you, I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry." She said.
"Hey, it's okay." I said trying to calm her down. "I didn't mind."
"I didn't mean to though, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Amber I promise."

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