Fresh Meat (chapter three)

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I went to my room to unpack. Sofia had just told me to get rid of my old bed and dressers, the only big thing that I brought that was mine was my T.V.. I know I've really got my priorities straight.
"Hey Amber, wanna go to a movie?" Carter said. I don't think he knows what happened. Of course explaining what Zeke had done to a nine-year-old wouldn't be to easy, would it?
"I don't think so, Cart." I said using his nickname. " I think I'm gonna dye my hair though, so it might be different when you come back."
"Okay!" He said and ran out of my room. I could faintly hear him yelling about being so excited for the movie.

A little while later I went to the bathroom to dye my hair, and as I went downstairs to grab my suitcase, he was there.
"Hi Amber." Elliot said running his hand through his hair. He was so hot when he- mid-thought I realized I'd been previously engaged in a conversation.
"Hi," I said "do you wanna come in?" I asked.
"Sure," he said. "But this time of you wanna stare, please just take a picture and do it in private." I went bright red.
"Well I mean if you don't wanna come in-" I started to joke with him.
"Hey!" He said in a whiney voice. "I never said that!"
"Calm your tits, Elliot!" I said a little too loudly. And now the 75-year old neighbors were staring. Great. "Just come in." I mumbled wishing I was a better human being, well better excuse for one.

Elliot and I hung out and talked about school. I showed him my schedule and to my luck we had no classes together. Not even lunch. There goes my chance of making friends.
A while later it started to get dark so Elliot had to go.
"Bye," he said, side-hugging me. "See you tomorrow maybe?" He said.
"Yeah." I laughed and let go of him. "Well I might be dying my hair so be ready." I said.
"Alrighty." He said saluting. He left, and I was alone.

It was only about 6:30 and Sofia and Carter had gone out to dinner. So I was alone.
I went upstairs while grabbing dark maroon hair dye. I was originally gonna do bright red, but I didn't wanna attract too much attention to myself on the first day of school.
I dyed it and by the time that horrific wait was over, my hair was a maroon-red sea and I didn't hate it.

I went to my room, and seeing as it was only eight and Elliot and I got absolutely nothing accomplished, I set up my bed

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I went to my room, and seeing as it was only eight and Elliot and I got absolutely nothing accomplished, I set up my bed. When that was done I drifted off into dreamland.
I woke up to my alarm screaming at me.
"IM UP!" I yelled, before realizing it was an inanimate object.  I turned off my alarm and got ready.

I got out a Doctor Strange t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. I then put on my doc martens, and tried to brush out my giant mop of hair.
I did my makeup and even put on some red lipstick. I grabbed my leather jacket and I was out the door.
Before I realized I had no ride.
I went in shame to Elliot's house and knocked on the screen door.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I said before taking a huge breath. "SoIdon'tknowwheretheschoolisandevenifidididonthaveacarandialsodonthavealiscenseandialsodontknowwherethebusstopisandcanipleasehavearidetoschool?"
"If I heard that correctly, yes."
"Anything for you." He said.
We arrived at school and as soon as I stepped out of the car, kids were staring. Crap.
"Hey Elliot, you're really cool and stuff, but why is everyone staring at us?"
"I have no idea." He said, as I gave him the death stare. "I swear, dude," he said putting his hands up in defeat. "I'm not that popular."
"I swear to god Elliot, if you told them anything dumb about me I'll-"
I of course, never got to finish that sentence. I was cut off by some guy waving to Elliot and him walking off.
"Thanks." I said sarcastically. "Well, I'm screwed." I said very quietly to myself.
"For a small fee that could've already been done." Said some kid said behind me. Ah yes, Highschool, the best place on earth.
I went to my first period class, and was immediately singled out because I was the "new girl who was hanging out with Elliot."
"So not popular." I numbed to myself, cursing him.
The teacher walked in then, and I was glad to sit in the back.
"Hello class!" Said a middle aged woman with blonde hair. "I'm Mrs.trescot. "Hello." We all said, some more enthusiastic than others.
"Oh and I almost forgot, we have a new student!" She said very happy with this  
This went on all day, and I was easily bored.
Until ninth period.
It was art, my favorite class, and I was exited to say the least.
The teachers name was Miss. Valentine and she seemed really cool.
She looked to be around 26 and had short curly red hair.
"Hello," she said with a confused look on her face. "Are you lost?"
"Oh no," I said "is this Miss. Valentine's art class?"
"Yes," she said looking confused "but I've never seen you before and it's the middle of the semester."
"Oh I'm new!" I said, taking in a small breath of relief. "This is my first day here, I'm Amber."
"Hello, Amber." She said extending her hand. I shook it. "Take a seat wherever I don't care where you sit, just please don't cause trouble."
"Okay." I said walking to the back of the classroom. I was one of the first kids in since my eighth period teacher, Mr. Burns, let me out early so I could 'get used to the building.'
As the wave of students came in I was immediately given looks. A girl, about 5'7 with glasses and short wavy purple hair walked over to me.
"Hello," she said. "I'm Robin."
"Hi." I said extremely awkwardly. "Oh, I'm Amber." I said, quickly, not realizing that I'd forgotten my name.
"Hey, I'm just gonna ask right now, are you and Elliot, like a thing?" She said really slowly. My face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Is he really popular and just lying to me?" I said. "Because like I don't mind but the attention is too much, also that would make him a liar." I didn't realize others happened to be listening in, and there was some quiet laughing.
"He's like the most popular kid in the school, you're lucky to be his friend." She said, making me look at my hands.
"That mother-"
Miss. Valentine started talking. "So today class we're going to be.."
The class ended, and I found Elliot.
"Wanna go to McDonald's?" He asked.
"Wanna kill yourself?" I said half-joking.
"What?" He said while opening my door.
"You know what."
"'I swear dude, I'm not that popular.'" I said quoting him.
"Okay," he said "So I might've bent the truth a little bit."
"A Little bit?" I Said slightly annoyed. "How much is a 'little bit' to you?" I said making finger quotes. "Because literally everyone was staring at me all day."
"Sorry?" He said. "Hey, how 'bout I buy you chicken nuggets?"
"Maybe that'll make up for it."


I got home and did homework. Little did I know that I was screwed. But it was fine. I mean I don't need a life.

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