Shiro - Let Us Help You

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Hunk sucked in a quick and silent breath as he did his best to hide. He felt as if he was back in the garrison, hiding in bins so he could sneak out for pizza and girls with Lance. However Lance wasn't with him now, and he wasn't here for pizza. Hunk resumed his watching.

It had been at least three hours now since everyone else had gone to bed. But Hunk remained awake, hidden in the darkness of the hallway in hopes of proving his own suspicions wrong. It had been hours and the cramp in his legs was slowly becoming unbearable. But still he didn't move. Waiting. Watching.

There! Hunk crouched further down as he watched a terrifyingly pale Shiro stumble from his room. Not just walk, but stumble like a drunkard. Hunk sighed and followed quietly as Shiro headed to the bridge. It seems that it wasn't just Lance that found the sight of space comforting. Hunk himself loved the stars, but looking at them just reminded him how far from home he was. He shook the thought from his head. That wasn't important now.

Hunk pushed open the bridge door to find Shiro standing in the middle of the room. He was sweaty and out of breath, and looked as if he were struggling to breathe. Hunk knew those symptoms all too well.

"Shiro." He said gently, moving towards the older paladin. Said man turned around quick enough that hunk heard the slight pop of misplaced air. His eyes were wild and his hands had come half way up into a defensive position before recognition gleamed in haunted eyes.

"Hunk, go back to bed." Shiro ordered, still shaking in an effort to draw breath. Hunk shook his head and moved closer to the paladin. Shiro's eyes went glassy and his arm began to glow faintly.

"Hunk! Leave!" he shouted, dropping to his knees. Hunk took a deep breath and took another step forward.

"Hunk! I'm warning you, it's not safe. I can deal with it." Shiro ordered.

Hunk was quiet for a moment as he felt fear, concern and anger fill his veins. His anger was misplaced, this wasn't Shiro's fault. But that didn't stop him from arguing.

"Dammit, Shiro!" Hunk screamed, taking another step forward. "Stop trying to handle everything yourself, we are here for you, we're supposed to come to each other with these things!" Angry tears slid down his face and he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before moving towards the still-shaking black paladin.

"Shiro." he tried again. Softer this time, only just audible over the laboured breathing of the room's other occupant. "Shiro, don't do this to yourself." Hunk murmured, taking another gentle step forward. He smiled slightly when Shiro didn't attempt to back away. But he was still sad that the small action had caused the older man to flinch.

Shiro looked up at him, the crazed gleam slowly leaving his eyes. Hunk crossed the remaining distance and kneeled in front of him.

"Shiro, you need to breathe okay?"

Hunk lead Shiro through his own panic attack routine. The reversal of roles was strange to him, but he would do anything to help Shiro, or any of the other paladins for that matter.

"Good." Hunk sighed when Shiro's breathing returned to its normal state. He slid down to the floor, gently pulling Shiro down with him so his head was resting on his stomach.

"Shiro, Lance has shown you my stars, right?" Hunk questioned. At Shiro's mumbled affirmation he continued on.

"They help me after a panic attack. Try it for me?" He held out one of his own strips. Shiro took it from him and began the slow process of folding it with only his flesh and blood hand, his Galra one too strong for the delicate task. Hunk smiled and handed him more strips, pleased when Shiro began to relax into him. However the smile faded when Shiro made to stand up. Hunk reached out to stop him and Shiro sighed before speaking.

"Go to bed, Hunk" he said, running his flesh arm through his white hair. Hunk frowned at the still haunted eyes of his leader.

"I'm not leaving you to deal with this on your own. We all have bad days- or... nights in your case. We can tell when you aren't coping Shiro, and it hurts us when you won't let us in."Hunk pleaded, moving into a sitting position so he could properly address him. 

"We know that you're just trying to protect us, keep our innocence or something heroic like that. But you're too late. We lost that when we blew up the first Galra ship and took all those lives. Just let us help you, Shiro."

Shiro looked down at the paper stars in his hands. Hunk was right, he needed help. He couldn't deal with this on his own. He looked into Hunk's gentle face, which was frowned in concern for him. It warmed him and gave him the courage to accept his words. Almost as if Hunk was reading his mind, he repeated the words.

"Please Shiro, let us help you."

The black paladin looked again at the paper stars. He needed this, he was allowed to be a little bit selfish. It was okay.

"I-I need you, will you please stay?" He whispered, scared that Hunk would laugh at his fearful words, so out of character. He needn't have worried.

"As long as you need, Shiro."

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