Pidge - Mind at Work

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It was dark, the gentle lights peeking beneath the doorway not quite enough to guide his way from the bed. Hunk stood anyway, determined to navigate the darkness on his heroic and dangerous quest to find the nearest, futuristic space bathroom. It had been several weeks since they had been kidnapped from their home planet by a giant, sentient blue robot lion, and Hunk still wasn't sure of the way to the throne.

Hunk thought he knew where he was going, as he rather confidently made a wrong turn and wound up in the hallway that he was pretty sure connected to the main recreation areas of the castle. He decided that he'd much rather find his way from a place he knew then turn the other way into the darkened maze of the ship. Hunk was thankful that Allura had programmed the lights to dim as the sun would on earth, mimicking day and night cycles, but right now he could really use some light. Hunk hustled into the kitchen, knowing that if he didn't find a bathroom soon, the castle was going to find itself covered with his internal fluids. Well... the one that wasn't vomit anyway.

Hunk by passed the kitchen, hesitantly heading down the hallway, but doubled back at the sound of a very cute yawn, followed by a tiny, almost unheard sob. Hunk sighed and turned back around, Pidge needed him.

And Pidge came before his bladder needs any day.

Following the sobs, he headed into the nearby lounge room, where he found a red faced and sobbing Pidge bent over her laptop.

"Stupid code, why won't you just work?" She mumbled, rubbing frustrated at tired eyes. Hunk moved forwards and looked over her shoulder, attempting to spot the problem.

"You're missing a semicolon." Hunk observed, causing the rather sleepy and distracted pidge to jump a mile. This unfortunately sent both her laptop and a cup of something green flying. Hunk managed to catch the laptop, but the green sludge-like substance in the cup flew through the air, splashing rather artistically on his yellow shirt.

"Hunk! Don't do that!" she looked down at his now dirty shirt and frowned.

"It's okay! I needed to go to the bathroom anyway." Hunk consoled, but made pidge promise to stay where she was. After getting much needed directions he headed off to the bathroom. Contemplating what he had just seen.

Pidge and Coran were starting to look quite similar in health. Pidge had no rings under her eyes, or maybe she did. Hunk wasn't sure, her eyes had been red from crying. What he had seen of the code hinted at a biological scanner big enough to scan a galaxy. It looked to be difficult work, which was only proven by the green-clad girl's apparent frustration and lack of sleep. Hunk knew she missed her family, god they all did, but Pidge needed to sleep.

Hunk made his way back to the lounge. Mercifully easy to spot as the light from within spilled unobstructed to one of the three hundred and seven castle halls. Pidge was where he had left her, slouched sluggishly over her now closed laptop. Not wanting a repeat of earlier, he cleared his throat.

"So, is your mind keeping you awake?" He asked, hoping to start with the lighter of his concerns.

"Yeah." she said meekly, looking down at her own feet.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, suddenly realising that he no longer actually remembered what a penny looked like. The thought was saddening, but Hunk found that he didn't really care. It was silent for a moment before pidge hesitantly started to speak.

"Space is really big." She began, pulling her knees up to her chest. "I didn't realise how big until we were in it, and I'm not sure what to think of that."

Hunk waited patiently for the spillage that he knew was coming. Ready to offer support to the smaller paladin.

"Matt and Dad could be anywhere, and I'm here trying to find them in a place that literally goes on forever!" Pidge cried, shoulders shaking with repressed sobs. Hunk pulled her into his arms and allowed the girl to cry into his chest. God knows the tiny kid wasn't big enough to keep emotions this potent inside.

"We'll find them Pidge, and when we do, I'll bake a special cake." Hunk said. He continued to whisper promises of grand parties and bear hugs to the troubled girl, attempting to calm her.

"But right now, you need to sleep." Hunk sighed, noting the prominent exhaustion in her eyes. Pidge mumbled into his chest and Hunk struggled to make out the words.

"I can't stop thinking"

Hunk knew that feeling all too well. The inability to shut down ones mind had plagued him as a child. His rather impressionable mind latching onto the possible things that could go wrong in school, or even a trip to the grocery store. Hunk did not miss it at all. 

Hunk marvelled at the similarities between Pidge and Lance. Lance needed to calm down physically, and pidge needed to calm her mind. The stars had worked for lance, he saw no reason that they wouldn't work for Pidge. He really ought to become a therapist at this rate. Hunk smiled at the thought, something to contemplate another day.

He fished some strips from his pocket and guided Pidge to sit down on the couch.

"Doesn't Lance carry these around with him? I always see him folding, and I know it makes stars, but I never figured out how it works. It's like they're hollow, but you need a certain combination of folds to achieve that and you'd have to factor in the paper length and width and--" Pidge rambled before she was interrupted by a rather loud yawn.

Hunk smiled gently at her and demonstrated how to fold them. He watched as Pidge made one of her own, easily picking up the simple steps. Silently they folded stars together, Hunk leaving Pidge to sort through her own thoughts. He marvelled at the calming qualities of simple origami, and smirked when he took a sideways glance at Pidge.

Her thoughts were silenced as the hands of the tiny girl folded equally tiny stars. She nodded into a deep sleep, tired eyes closing at long last.

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