Chapter 1 (The Rogue)

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"Police! Put your hands up, now!"

I looked over at the tiger, a grin on my face, and I winked. 

Before coming over, I had in fact figured out how to change between my forms. It didn't hurt now, not anymore. The pain I had felt was simply the transfusion- the TARDIS entering my blood stream. No longer would I be resorted to writhing just because I was changing my forms.

"What is 'police'?" I asked slowly, turning to face them while my dragon form glittered out of existence and my Time Lord appearances reemerged. "Are you some sort of crime stopping force on Earth? Speaking of which, this is Earth, right?"

The humans, which I was assuming was what they were, blinked and stepped back. They didn't expect me to change shapes, or talk, or something like that. After all, who really knew when it was humans that you were trying to figure out.

"Yes, a crime stopping force on Earth. This is, in fact, Earth." One of them stepped forward, obviously the leader of the group. His cheekbones were sharp and his eyes glittered with distrust but bright curiosity, and his curly dark chocolate coloured hair swirled out in all directions.

"You're going to need to come with us," he continued, and I stopped listening to look at the tiger, whom I figured was a Time Lord like myself. Shift back. I mouthed without saying and word and turned back to face the humans.

I heard a slight whoosh from behind me and then a female stepped up next to me. 

"Come with you where?" I asked, putting my hands behind my back and walking around the group of them, my bare feet leaving imprints in the wet sand. I made a circle, studying the lot of them in order to gain some understanding.

"To a holding cell for those of your kind. Unfortunately it isn't safe for you to wander around London alone." 

"Thanks for you concern love but quite honestly I'll be perfectly fine. Tell me, what year it is?" 

"I'm not concerned about you, I'm concerned about the city and why do you ask for the year? Shouldn't you know? I mean you are aliens."

"Excuse me? Aliens? I'm more than that, actually, and no I shouldn't know, I'm afraid I've been unconsciously traveling through galaxies."

"So what are you?"

"What year is it?"

"I asked you first."

"Too bad I asked you second."

"Shit you have a point," he muttered and turned away, looking at his group. I grinned.

"I think I like you, human. What's your name? Oh and I still need the year."

"How about this: question for a question?"

"Works for me. I go first. Question one- what year is it?"

"The year is 2014," he replied, his group cursing his name and beginning to walk back towards their cars, obviously not happy with his choice. It appeared as if he hadn't even listened to their advice on the situation at hand. "What are you?"

"Time Lord. Or well, I was. Not sure what I am now. What's your name?" I said, launching quickly into my next question. The time for the game to drop had not yet come- I still needed a lot of information that this man could give me.

"Agent James Sarcuga. How about you and your friend's name?" He shot back.

"Nice name. I'm the Rogue or the Dimension Dragon, and I don't know her name."

"My name is the Renegade. Or, of course, the Time Tigress." The other Time Lord piped up from my side. I shot her a look telling her to be quiet for the time being.

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