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Livs pov
I threw the book across the room. "Ugh fuck this I'm bored" Mandy said rolling off my bed and over to the night stand. "Yeah I already know all this shit lets go do something." I said taking off my glasses. I really only use them for reading so I hide them and pretty much my family, lip, and Mandy know I wear them. "I wanna meet Gerald" Mandy smiled. "Seriously..?" I asked "yeah let's do something with him tonight." She said smiling "k,I'll ask him." I shrugged, pulling out my phone to where Gerald and I had put messages.

Liv: wanna have dinner tonight? My best friend Mandy wants to come that okay?

Gerald: wanna have dinner at my place tonight? Elizabeth & kids won't be home and you can bring your little friend.

Liv: you sure?

Gerald: yeah!;)

Liv: k what time?

Gerald: 7-8?

Liv: perfect

"We gotta get ready" I smiled. "We can go?" She smiled "yep!" I laughed, and went to my closet. "Wanna wear something of mine?" I asked "yeah I only have the outfit I wore to school today." She said getting up to look through my closet. She picked out the red dress Gerald bought me. "This one?" She asked looking at the dress is awe and running her hands over the blood red sequins that were on the collar of the dress. "Sure" I said going through the closet. I know how excited Mandy was when she saw the dress, she had the same look I probably had on my face, we both came from poor families and a poor neighborhood where 200$ dresses were in our wildest dreams. I wanted her to feel what it was like to be fancied like that. I picked out a black dress and heels. I handed Mandy the heels that went to the red dress and we curled out hair, fixed our make up and left my room; leaving a note on the counter explaining that we would be back by 11 or later. We walked down the street and made our way to the subway, getting on and making our way to Gerald's house.

Mandy's pov

I've always wanted to go to this side of town, I adored the dress I was wearing and I felt great and so confident in it. We got off the train and linked arms until we made our way to his large house that had lights outside of it that shines bright. I saw a man standing at the counter making dinner. Jesus, he was tall, and hot. We walked through the door and liv went up and kissed him just like that. It was weird seeing her kissing another guy besides lip.

Livs pov

I walked up to the door with Mandy and knocked. Gerald opened the door with an apron on. I cracked up a little inside my head. I kissed him and entered the house making sure Mandy followed. "Ready to eat?" Gerald asked, we nodded and sat down at the large table in the dining room. "Wine?" He asked, "yes" we both said as he poured. He gave us our plates and we started eating. We were about ten minutes into dinner when the door opened and I heard a women's voice and another voice I knew way too well...Lip...

They came into the kitchen and jumped when they seen us. "Gerald? Who are your guests?" The women asked, she looked about 35 with red hair and green eyes; she was wearing a black dress with a white stripe across the middle and black heels. "Some college girls studying to be journalists for the news" Gerald smiled "what about your guest?" He added. "College student studying to be a teacher." She smiled and offered for lip to sit at the table. Lying piece of shit; he sat down across from me and stares for a second but kept his head down. I chewed my food and the table was silent. "So, What are your names?" Gerald's wife asked. "I'm Sarah and this is Jessica," I smiled taking a sip of my wine. "And you?" Mandy asked,
"Elizabeth."she smiled,
"what about your guest, Liz?" Gerald asked.
"Oh this is John, John Fort." She said smiling and so did lip.
"Oh well nice to meet you John!" I smiled,
"you too Sarah" Lip grinned.
"I think I'm gonna step out for a cigarette , do you mind?" I asked, "of course not." Elizabeth smiled, "oh me too, Sarah and I can get to know each other." Lip got up as I did too and walked outside. "What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped, "I could asked you the same question, Sarah!!" He whisper yelled, "he's Paying my tuition..." I said frowning and looking down "what are you Paying him back with..?" He asked "time and affection." I said back "what are you doing with his wife?" I asked "seeing her.." He mumbled "for anything or just sex.." I asked "sex." He frowned, and put his head in his hands. "Seriously..?" I asked "I was only doing this for a tuition and a few nice things here and there and you're just fucking her for the hell of it? I can't believe you.. Believe it or not this was going to be the night I was gonna tell Gerald goodbye!! Because I felt so bad because I loved you so much..just to find out you're fucking a mom for the hell of it?" I was on the verge of crying now but I would never in front of Lip..ever. "I'm sorry liv..really I am I was going to tell her that I was done over dinner tonight but you were here with Mandy and Gerald." He said "you're lying..your left hand is twitching.. You know you were just coming to have sex with weren't gonna tell her goodbye.." I Harshly said in his face. "N-no I wasn't." Lip struggled, "I love you Olivia so much, I'd never do anything to hurt you. " he said trying to hug me, I backed away. "I have to go, lip.." I whispered. I walked inside and lip followed. "Come on, Jessica we have to go back to campus its past curfew. Thank you so much for dinner." I said waiting for Mandy to get up. "Alright, thank you for dinner." She smiled and we left. We walked down the street, I kept quite and Mandy understood so she didn't say anything but held me up by my side as we walked to the train and rode home to our south side lives leaving the rich life behind.. We said our goodbye and I walked home and stepped thorough the door and locked it leaning back against it sliding down it and I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I got up and slumped up the stairs and went to my parents room seeing my dad gone and my mom sleeping.. I crawled up into the big bed and shook my mom alittle.. "Mommy.." I ached letting the tears fall onto her arm. "Baby, what happened?!" She got up quickly pulling me close. "Lip cheated.." I whispered, "oh baby I'm so sorry." She sighed petting my hair. "I don't understand what i did wrong..why I wasn't good enough.." I closed my eyes and ached, tightening onto her arm. "Oh baby you didn't do anything did nothing wrong." She said holding my closer. "You're perfect, he's an asshole for doing this to you.. what happened?" She asked "I don't wanna talk about it, I just wanna sleep." I responded, she readjusted herself getting comfortable and Laying down, letting me rest on her chest. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. I sniffled and passed out soon after.

3 days later 11:30am

Veronica's pov
"Has she come out?" Fiona asked, "no, she only comes out to go to the bathroom." I responded sitting down at the table with my coffee. "Doesn't eat?" Fi furrowed her eyebrows. "Nope." I said putting my hand on my head. "Jesus, I'm sorry about lip being such a dick. He's been up my ass asking about her too." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "I think if that boy comes over here, kev'll beat the shit outta him." I chuckled, "she'll get over it." I added, "I hope so..." Fiona half smiled.


"Liv, you want to talk or eat or something? You haven't come out in three days I'm sure you smell really bad." I said leaning against the door, holding the handle. "No." She muffled from under her sheets. "Want me to come back Later?" I asked sighing, "no I just want to be left alone." She said sniffling, "well then I'm coming in!" I said grabbing a Bobby pin from the bathroom to unlock her door. I got it and I almost died from the smell. "Jesus Christ liv, it smells like shit in here!" I gave a disgusted look pulling her sheets up "NO!!" She yelled pulling a pillow over head before I noticed her arm with a cut on it. "What the fuck are you cutting yourself?" I asked grabbing her arm. "Fuck no! That's from jumping the fence last week with Mandy, see it's a scab. She pointed at the scabbing cut without moving her head from under the pillow. I pulled it off her head and saw her face revealed. It was make up smeared, she had bulging red eyes and puffed up dark circles. "Jesus, go take a shower and get over that piece of shit." I rolled my eyes, "fine!" She shouted getting up and running into the bathroom and slamming the door. "I love you!" I said chuckling "fuck off!" She yelled. I laughed and walked to her closet picking out an outfit for her. A blue and black striped cropped sweater, faded skinny jeans, and her black boots. She came out of the bathroom in a towel and looked way better than before. I put on the outfit and sat at her vanity putting her make up on. I brushed through her long dark brown hair and when I was finished walked downstairs.

Livs pov:
I felt like shit so I figured I'd take a shower, which made me feel a little better but not enough. I decided to text Mandy to hangout.

Liv: need to get out of house wanna hang?

Mandy: yeah sure be over in 5

Liv: k

Mandy showed up and we decided to go out and fight the bitch who was passing around shit about Mandy that wasn't true. We ended up with a few punches in, winning and left with Mandy having a black eye and me having a big cut cause the bitch was wearing a ring. We decided to go over to the gallaghers cause that's where my mom said she was. We Walked through the door to see everyone watching tv and we walked through the second door before stopping in my tracks..I seen Karen cuddled up to lip. "You've got to be kidding me.." I spit, "shit!" Lip said getting up. "Hi liv!" Karen smiled, me and Mandy both have each other the look. "I've already knocked a dumb bitch out today, I'm not afraid to do it again to a dumb slutty cunt like yourself" I yelled "I'd like to see you try !" She smirked "Karen don't" lip said "fine Cunt!!" I went after her punching her right in the mouth and throwing her on the table breaking a leg which made the whole thing collapse. I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her jumping on top of her. "Hey Mands doesn't it look like Karen needs a haircut!" I asked "oh yeah most definitely !" She responded grabbing the scissors from the top drawer of the desk. "No no no !!" Karen screamed just then Fiona and my mom walked in as I started snipping until her hair was as short as her ears still some long pieces here and there as my mom tried to pull me off of her and Fiona helped while lip shouted at me to stop, Karen screamed and Mandy and I laughed having the time of our lives. They pulled me by the arms which was a benefit cause I made sure I kicked her in the jaw with my boot really hard before getting taken off of her. "DONT EVER LAY A FINGER ON LIP AGAIN OR COME IN THIS HOUSE OR NEAR HERE EVER AGAIN OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOURE FUCKNG DEAD IN A VACANT LOT WHERE NOBODY CAN FIND YOUR BITCH ASS!" I yelled as Karen ran out of the house crying. "Jesus Christ" lip yelled. "What?" I asked rolling my eyes, "can you do that the next time holly picks on me at school?" Debbie said from the stairs. "Upstairs now!" Fiona yelled. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water and drank the entire thing. "Well what do you have to say for yourself?" My mom said. "I fucking won!" I smirked "atta girl" she smiled, "you got her pretty good!" Fiona chuckled and lip came in. "Wow I really hope you feel like a fucking hero right now!" Lip said before leaving and slamming the door. "Fucktard" I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

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