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AN Sooo I've been quite sick recently!! Probably just hungover. I don't have the head to write a bonus chapter just yet. So here's a fun little thing I put together! Find out what sort of vampire from this fic you are. I was inspired by all the patronus hype. I'm an Irish wolfhound, quite fittingly. And it turns out a lot of Irish peeps are getting that. We're growing sceptical. What was yours?

Q.1: What sort of weather is your favourite?
A: Just a tad bit rainy.
B: Thunder and lightening.
C: Sunshiny all day!

Q.2: How would you choose to spend your free time?
A: Sleeping.
B: Hunting.
C: Baking.

Q.3: Choose a weapon.
A: My long claws.
B: Vampire hunting shotgun.
C: Big strong wings to shield myself.

Q.3: Humans are:
A: Curious things.
B: (Almost) never to be trusted.
C: Misunderstood.

Q.4: My ideal mate has:
A: Red eyes.
B: Brown eyes.
C: Blue/Green eyes.

Q.5: Choose an adjective.
A: Silky.
B: Jagged.
C: Smooth.

Q.5: Choose a colour scheme.
A: Pastel pink - Gold - White - Baby blue
B: Earthy brown - Rusty red - Black - Soft grey
C: Silver - Forest Green - Royal Blue - Wine red

Q.6: I'm most likely to hunt for:
A: Peacocks, pheasants, and other birds.
B: Foxes, badgers, mice...and humans.
C: Sheep, deer, anything that runs.

Q.6: Choose a smell.
A: Roses.
B: Blood.
C: Cookies.

Q.7: Choose a mating ceremony item:
A: Cloak.
B: Rope.
C: Toy.

Q.8: What habitat would you like to live in?
A: The very top of a mountain. So high that I'm in the clouds!
B: Deep underground in a nice burrow all to myself.
C: A valley surrounded by forests and lakes.

Q.9: What Swiftmas gift would you give to your mate?
A: A golden hairbrush.
B: A pocketknife.
C: A long night, if you know what I mean...

Q.10 What is your ideal night out?
A: Star gazing.
B: Hunting and eating.
C: Racing on dragons and griffons.


If you got mostly...

A's: Angelus Lamia [Angel Vampires]

About: These vampires are very social creatures and enjoy the company of others

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About: These vampires are very social creatures and enjoy the company of others. They are kind hearted to their friends and family and will do anything for them. They love to indulge themselves in art and fashion and will often be caught grooming themselves. They are attracted to uniqueness and find comfort in other vampire's differences. They are drawn to gold and jewels, or anything that looks precious.
Habitat: The vast majority of these vampires reside in St Evangeline, high up in the mountain tops. They love being close to the sky and live alongside birds and dragons. The closer they are to the clouds and the stars, the better!
Appearance: Angelus Lamia are very well groomed. They like to look clean and sharp. Their wings are white and feathery, which is where they get their name. They like to wear soft colours like pink and grey.

B's: Terra Anguis [Earth Snake]

About: This breed has been known to be very standoffish and sometimes appear untrustworthy

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About: This breed has been known to be very standoffish and sometimes appear untrustworthy. But they are simply misunderstood. The "Earth Snake" breed gets its name from the way it burrows underground. They are very clever creatures and often outwit other breeds in the competition for food. They enjoy the dark and the cold. Colours like black, blood red, and earthy brown attract them. Despite being a tad unsocial, this breed is very loyal and will stay by your side till the very end. Just be careful with their feelings. They are a moody bunch and you won't be around for long if you mess with the them!
Habitat: Underground dwellers for all eternity. Much like rabbits, these vampires like to make burrows for themselves. It is almost impossible to find an Earth Snake's home. They camouflage and protect their habitats with spells and curses.
Appearance: Positively frightening! Deep red eyes that glow like rubies. These vampires often grow their adult teeth earlier than other species. They are very strongly built, all though can be quite short. Their leathery wings match their underground homes and come in shades of black, smokey grey and rusty brown.

C's: Sanguis Draconis [The Blood Of The Dragon]

About: If there's a fuzzy blanket or an open fire around, be sure to see these vampires close by

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About: If there's a fuzzy blanket or an open fire around, be sure to see these vampires close by. They are excellent at disguising themselves amongst humans, periodically lifting up and down their cloaks to avoid suspicion. Very playful, social creatures. They easily create friendships with different species such as mermaids and werewolves. Can be a little bit stubborn but usually cheerful and optimistic. They love impressing their mates and trying new things in the private chambers... A new food to try is always a welcoming invitation. Cookies? Sweets? Sanguis Draconis is in.
Habitat: Surrounded by valleys and forests and always close to water. These vampires like bonding with water folk (mermaids) and keeping close to werewolf territory so that successful hunts are a breeze!
Appearance: So taaaall and handsome and heeeell. Okay, seriously, these vampires have no problem using their good looks to intimidate and enchant. They have superior upper arm strength and can run like the wind. They like to keep their hair short so that it doesn't get in the way of hunts.

Comment what you got! x

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