chapter 2

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"slightly! rose! i'm going to kill you!" Felix's voice ran through the camp. me and slightly gave each other the knowing look and pegged it into the forest. lets just say when you take the last of the chocolate cake that me and slightly put our blood, sweat and tears into making. not literally. you'll come out the shower with pink hair.

its been a year since I got here and I love this place. I live with the lost boys who I consider my brothers. let me tell you about them.

first there's slightly. I'm probably the closest to him. we do a lot of baking, pranking and hiding from our victims together. we are probably like those old ladies who annoy everybody else in a care home and get sent to bed early. his words not mine.

then there's curly. he's like the mother of the camp. its funny because pan thought that would change as soon as I came along but I'm more of the rebellious daughter type than a mother figure. curly is the one who looks after us when we are ill or upset. he also has amazing words of wisdom.

then we have the twins. they never told us there names so we call them twin one and twin two. twin one is an extreme smarty pants. you could ask him any question and he'll come up with the answer before you could blink. twin two is the hot head. say one thing out of line in front of him and expect hell to rain down on you. I once said something about not liking grapes and he flipped his shit. lets just say I wouldn't talk to him for a week after his rant.

then we got nibs. nibs has got a strange sense of humor. he will just blurt anything out at anytime no matter how random it is. one time me and slightly snuck into the kitchen at night for a midnight snack. turns out nibs followed us and blankly stared at us then said "farts are just the ghosts of the thing we ate" then walked back out. but he's not weird he's limited edition.

next we have tootles. tootles is the youngest of us all and a total sweetheart. he likes to stay by curlys side most the time. another reason curleys the mother figure. tootles normally picks me flowers and helps me and slightly bake. he is probably the cutest boy ever!

then we have Felix. Felix is second in command of the lost boys. lets just say hes a better second in command to the lost boys than newt was to the gladers. he actually listens to both sides of a story unlike newt. he can be sweet as a button if your on his good side but at the moment me and slightly are on his bad side.

lastly we have peter pan. in a way he reminds me of newt as they both have those weird accents. pan said its a British accent. whatever the hell that is. pan is the one that helped me as soon as I arrived on this island. he trained me till the point were I could beat anybody on the islands butt. he also taught me magic. yes I have magic. its not like pans magic though. my powers are water based. I can even turn into a mermaid whenever I want. which I think is awesome. over the last year I gained quite a big crush on him.

"come on rose! to the hideout!" slightly shouted snapping me out of my thoughts. our hideout is a small cave by the beach. when we found this place we decorated it out into our secret hideout where we plot our pranks. I turned left and strait into the hideout with slightly right on my heels.

 I turned left and strait into the hideout with slightly right on my heels

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