Little Situations

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Chapter 3

The bell rung and Nathalia and I stayed in Mr. O’Hare’s room to say our proper goodbyes to him. After all he is an awesome teacher and he improved my math skills and made Nathalia a math genius. Nerd… Anyways, we both got him a little something.

“Thank you Mr. O’Hare for this awesome year. I know how to add now!” I said sarcastically.

“It was my pleasure. What is five plus three?” I made a thinking face. “Umm, seven!”

 Natalia rolled her eyes and laughed. “Thanks man, this year was great I’m glad I spent my first year of high school with you, dude. Thank you for your knowledge.”Nathalia said. And then walked out of the classroom. She left him his gift on the table.

 I thanked him, gave him a hug, his gift (which was a shirt that said ‘world’s goodest teacher’, a fear the math teacher mug, and a note that said “I would have given you a apple but we all know what happened to Snow White when she ate one.”) I said goodbye and walked out.

“Really, ‘thank you for your knowledge’?” I laughed. “I didn’t know what else to say! I’m going to miss Mr. Teacher-Dude he is the coolest teacher I’ve had.”

“I know he is pretty awesome. All those things we did in his class and in front of him, he never got mad, other teachers would have kicked us out.

“Especially that one time in the Computer Lab.” I added remembering that day. “Yeah, that one time.” She said

Okay so it was more than once. The last time was the funniest. We were in the computer lab and it was really silent, mainly because it was journalism class. We had to type an essay that day. Mr. O’Hare was supervising while Ms. Veils was in a meeting. I had writer’s block so I started listening to music on Groove Shark. The guy next to me got up and his bag was stuck with my headphone’s cable. As he pulled his bag over him arm. The music went on blast through the computer’s speaker. I freaked out and started yelling at the computer. ”Die! Die! Die!” Nathalia was next to me on my other side gave me the are-you-kidding-me face and got up and plugged the headphones back in. Everything went silent and some people laughed I stopped the music for a minute, while I took in what just had happened. I looked at the song title that was playing…The Death of Me, by Asking Alexandria. Nathalia looked at the screen and started laughing. I whispered ‘I hate you!’ but I was actually pretty thankful because if the music would’ve been playing for one more second I might’ve ripped the computer off its cable.

 In the hall way Nathalia and I passed by Anthony. He stopped and we stopped. “Hi Miss. Puffy Whiskers and Miss. Cupid I need to talk to you guys. Tonight after we get home from the mall. My friend is coming over and you know, it would feel kind of gay if it was just us two there” He chuckled. “Miss. Puffy Whiskers, I need to talk with you.” He said with a British accent as he took Nathalia with him to talk with her.

~Anthony’s point of view~

I woke up really early today, more like got up from my bed in which I couldn’t sleep in last night. “It’s not you, it’s me” I said to my bed as I got up. I walked out to the hallway. I passed by Val’s room, and went to my mom’s. She was sitting on the bed with her hands holding her head. I sat next to her, holding her. “Everything is going to be alright.” I assured her.

But the worse thing is that I don’t know if it will. My little brother’s dad is getting out of jail today, and he’s coming back. This can’t happen it just can’t! I’m not letting anyone touch my sister or my mom ever again, too much has happened to us as a family since my mom got pregnant. It was about three years back. Everything seemed fine for about a year. I was 13 and Val was 12, we finally felt like we can have a dad and my mom will feel happy again. He was a great dad he taught us to play soccer and he taught Val how to drive a motorcycle (even though she was only 12). But out of a sudden he became a monster. He started hitting Val as if she was a punching bag, he tried to rape my mom, and he was successful. She got pregnant. He left us and my mom called Child Support and the Police, and now he finally got out of jail. I paid my mom’s airplane ticket along with my little brother’s. Valentine doesn’t want to go. But I just know it has something to do with her scars I first noticed when I was adopted. Thanks to medicine and other treatments, her scars are gone.

When I was nine, I was finally adopted by Lillian Rodriguez. I lived in adoptive home with other kids. Since I could remember I learned to share with other people, interact with them and solve problems without having to argue, I guess that’s why I’m good at socializing with people.


I was in the playing room playing tic-toc-toe with someone. When a tall lady with her hair in a bun,  in a black and white dress told me to follow her to her office. I sat down outside the door where she told me to wait. About 10 minutes later she came out, this time with a beautiful reddish-brown haired woman with a little girl behind her. She looked scared, as if I was going to hurt her. She had scars on her legs and a long one going from bottom of her neck to her the top of her chin.

“Anthony met your new adoptive mother, Lillian.” I felt like crying with tears of happiness. I had seen her many times walking in the Play room, but I’d never thought she would choose me. Finally for the first time, for as long as I can remember, I felt like someone cared for me. She got on her knees to get to my height and said, with promising eyes, “I’ve never seen someone, a little kid so caring and helpful, like you. I want it to be your choice, not mine. Do you want to be part of my family?”

She signaled the little girl to come up from behind her. “This is Valentine, she’s…shy. I want her to have a bigger brother, you, to help her in her life. Because I know that once she gets older, you’re going to be a huge part of her life. But that’s only up to you.” She said with a worried smile, she thought that I would deny her but actually I was paralyzed, I couldn’t believe someone wanted me to be part of their lives.

“I…I’d love to.” A tear finally escaped and ran down my cheek, my mom whipped it off and she took me in for a hug. I hugged my new mother and sister, already knowing that as long as I’m with them everything will be okay.”


“Don’t worry mom, go to Colombia and do what you need to do. Stay with grandma’s sister, you’ll be fine. I’ll deal with it, Valentine and I will. When you come back everything will be fine. I promise. Go, do what you need to do.” I said whipping a tear off her cheek, just like she did when she adopted me.

“I know it will.” She smiled and got up, going back to her normal self. “Well, I’m going to get Angelo his passport and buy a luggage bag for… my vacation.” I smiled. She always knew how to make things seem better, just by using her words correctly. She got up, rubbed her feet on the carpet, looked at herself on the wall mirror and woke up baby Angelo. I hugged her goodbye, knowing that by the time I’m done showering she would be out on her way

I went to my room and took my phone, I called up my friend from school. After a few rings, he finally picked up. “Moring, Morning mother fucker!” I yelled into the phone.

“Thanks Anthony. I was having a great dream about unlimited food and free concerts but you know, it’s fine just wake me up. You know, it’s fine” He said in a sarcastic, sleepy voice.

“Sorry, Oliver I just need to ask you for a favor.”

“Hit me.” “Can you come over after school, around seven?”

“Why” He questioned. “You’ll see. We have food.”

“Oh okay, now you say it, alright I’ll go.”

“Thanks bro.”

“Anything for the Dude”

I hung up, Oliver was my closest friends, but now I realized Val or Nathalia don't know him. I don’t know if this is good or bad, considering that I have to break the bad news t o Val, I need a strong dude to hold her back from running out of the house, I’d do it but she knows where my pressure points are. And I need Nathalia to hold her tears back. I have this all figured out. I hope.

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