A night under the stars

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Chapter 7

~Val's point of view~

Anthony,  Nathalia and Oliver came up to my tree, I forgave Anthony, but revenge soon will be mine.

I'm scared to go home now. Oh, I know we should camp out. I've done it so many times before for myself, I guess it wouldn't kill if I let these guys in my house of tranquility for one night. We came down from the tree, Oliver and Anthony climbed down while I just came down like it was nothing I jumped off from branch to branch, very careful of course.

I came up to Nathalia and whispered in her ear,"How about we show the awesomeness of this place?" I asked her. "Oh my god, yes." I walked around and saw the quitar, awesome. I love playing music by the fire at night.

"Dude where is the coil and marshmellows?" I asked looking around. "Behind the bushes of the tree." She yelled over her shoulder. I looked at saw these thick bushes perfect for hiding things. I don't know why we even hide this. Lake Hill is obanded and no one ever comes around here execpt me and occastionally Nathalia. I took the bags and walked back to my little fire place. I started the fire and Nathalia tuned the guitar.

"We have a song dedicated to you by Anthony." Nathalia informed me. She started the song intro, right there and then I knew it was Never Too late by Three Days Grace.

The intro started and Oliver started to sing. His voice, it was just wow. I don't know how to describe it. It was deep but at the same time soft. He's eyes shows the story of the song as if he expirenced it himself. I smiled, getting lost in his eyes. But then I remembered, I can't like him. And most certainly I can't love him.

I snapped back to reality and looked Anthony he was looking at Oliver quite confused. I'm guessing he didn't know that Oliver could sing so well. The chorus was coming up, my favorite part. I closed my eyes and began to sing. "Even if I said it'll be alright, still I hear you say you want to end you life. Now and again we try to just stay alive maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late, it's never too late."

The song finished. Is it already over? I'm asking myself, it felt so great singing with him. My voice and his made the perfect harmony. I took the guitar. "I'll sing a song, but I want to do it solo." I looked at the guitar and tried to remember the chords for it. Soon I remembered and started to sing.

"She sits up high surrounded by the sun one million branches and she loves everyone. Mom and dad, did you search for me? I've been up here so long I'm going crazy." By that part Anthony's face where showing signs of tears coming in. Why? I don't know. But I will soon. It's been too long since we've spent so much time together. From the end of school to...what time is it? To about eight o'clock.

I finished that song and looked up to the three homosepians infront of me. They looked stunned. "Wow I had no idea you could sing like that." Anthony said. He doesn't know so many other things either. Always so busy with Football and his friends, he can't help it and I know that.

"Yeah, me neither." Oliver said. I laughed and looked at my guitar. Mr. Blackie, my first guitar. "So how about we camp out here?" Nathalia said braking the silence. "Is it safe?" Anthony asked. I laughed. "What you're scared of bears?" I teased. "Very funny." He said with a not funny face. "Mr. Dude I've camped out here a lot of times. It's safe." I told him walking to the bushes with the huge plastic box where I store food, water, and blankets. I dragged the box out and opened the lid.

"What about we get the big blanket and huddle together?" Nathalia suggested. I looked in to the box. We had two big blankets and a whole lot of chips and peanut butter. "We only have two blankets. But we still have a whole jar of peanut butter!" I said excitedly. "Oh god I love peanut butter. Sorry Val you and I are going to have to share that." Oliver said. I pretended being in deep thought about it. "Fair enough, you're lucky you're nice." I said. "Don't you mean lucky that I'm hot? 'Cause I know." He joked in a bragging way. I laughed "Bitch please. Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" I sang. He laughed, I took out the blankets and Nathalia helped me put them on the floor so the breeze won't mess it up.

"Do you have anything I'd like?" Nathalia asks me. I look back at the box. "Umm water, Lay's, peanut butter, and more water." She sighs and so does Anthony. "Well I'm sorry! I wasn't exactly expecting vistors! Why don't you just go to the store? My ass is hurting with your car keys in my pant's pocket." I took them out and threw them to Anthony. "Oh thank my shit. I though we were locked out of the house. Well um Nathalia, want to go get food? I'll buy." I helped Nathalia up "Oh great, lets go. I'm starving."

She turned to Oliver and got up to his face. "You listen here and you listen good. Don't touch her, don't kiss her, don't even think about it." Nathalia threated him. "I know it all." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Whoa, calm down mom. You know I can defent myself and please I'm a mess no one will even think about it." I said to her in a joking matter.

"Umm... Alright. Well lets go." She said to Anthony once again she turned to me and said "be nice." I laughed and they were gone by the trees. I turned around and sat down on the blanket. Oliver turned around and looked at me. I patted the spot next to me for him to sit next to me. He sat down and sat next to me. He looked at me. Oh god those eyes. No no no no nope nope nope. In my mind I replaced those eyes with a nope spider.

"So Val," He said my name in a flirty matter. "are you okay?" I shivered for two reasons. My reasons:  One: It's now around 8:30 and the sun is going down so the temperature is dropping. Two: I'm nervous because I'm with Oliver alone...in the woods.

He noticed me shiever. "You cold?" He asked putting his arm around me. I would've usually felt unconfterble but to my surprise, I'm pretty good here. "Haha yeah." I moved, and removed his arm from around me. I sat in front of him and allowed myself to look at his eyes. "So, how come I haven't met you yet?" I asked him. "I don't know. Anthony talks about a lot so I might know more about you that you'd think." He smiled teasingly.

"Oh no." I said. I may be fun and awesome but where there's good there is also bad. Things such as cutting, crying, and even suicide atempts. He started getting serious. "I know your past. I'm so sorry. I wish I could've been there for those times to help you but I didn't even know you. Well I barely know you but I just feel sad when people talk like that because I know that pain. I became so in love with self destruction, there's something very romantic about it, but it was tearing me apart and I started abusing myself and it affected my relationships with everyone I lost them all." He said. He knows, but he gets it, he understands. The words he used, and the way he used them.

He didn't say anything. He just took me in hugged me, I guess he thinks of me like a sister. My feelings are everywhere. I don't know how I feel.

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