Midnight Moons

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Chapter 9

~Val's point of view~

He is kissing me. Am I dreaming? Fuck that, if I am I'm going to make it a awesome dream.

His lips against mine. It’s so electrifying, and I love it. I laid down following his league. I turned us around. Now I'm on him. He puts his arms on my back, I stop and I look at him. "Wow." Is all I can say. "I know." He said out of breath. I'm just resting there, feeling his heartbeat, its beating quite load. He rubs my back sending electrifying signals down my back and to my neck.

I got off of him and laid my head on his stomach. "Aww, I'm cold now." I took the other blanket and put it on top of him.

I got up and went to get the peanut butter jar. I took it and it felt like it didn’t weigh like anything at all. Damn it I ate it all.

I wasn't in the mood for chips so I turned back to Oliver, "Can you call Anthony? I'm out of peanut butter." He checked his pockets. "You have my phone in the jacket." "Oh okay. I'll just call him." I took his phone and called Anthony. While it was ringing Oliver got a new message. It was from Melanie she said "Hey hotsome, I was just thinking if..." the rest got cut off. I laughed, what a whore. If she knew I was here with him she'd put that stupid 'I can't believe it face'.

Anthony finally picked up. "Hey what's up bro?" He said. "Hey dude, can you get some peanut butter? We're all out." I asked with a pleading voice. "Alright. Oh me and Nathalia are gonna eat at Burger King so we might take a while." He said. "Alright. But get me a smoothie. But right before you come back, I like it cold aha.." "Alright." Nathalia said something in the background that made Anthony laugh. "Love birds." I murmured and hung up.

I went back to Oliver and sat next to him. "So what should we do?" I asked him.

All of a sudden the lights from a nearby soccer field turned on. "Ahh! My eyes!" Oliver and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"I forgot about that soccer park." I said to him. "Is it far?" He asked looking at the direction of the lights. "No not really just about a quarter mile from here." I told him. "Umm. Wanna go? We need some more wood anyways the fire is almost dying out." He said now looking at the descending fire. "Alright. But are you sure you can handle yourself in the dark?" I asked almost teasing. "I'm sure that question is meant for you." He said crossing his arms. I went up to his face trying to provoke him. "Are you sure about that?" I whispered into his ear with a seductive voice. As I was standing up he was biting his lower lip. "Alright Mr. Dude. Lets go to the soccer park. And lets get some more wood." I said.

~Nathalia's point of view~

"Very well then, truth or dare?" I asked. "I'll start off with truth." Anthony said bravely.

"I see you're playing it safe."

"Do you sing in the shower?" I couldn't come out with anything else. "Yeah." He said looking down at his hamburger with a little bit of embarrassment. I laughed, "Hey! I'll have you know I sing like a rock star in the shower." He pointed at me and I laughed even more.

"Okay Mr. Tough-man I'll do a dare." I said bravely. "Someone's taking risks." He said.

"You know it!" I said smiling. Not smiling more like grinning. He makes me laugh and I guess it's alright to meet someone. I mean my last relationship was a while back. It wouldn't kill me to have a little crush...Right?

But since and forever I will watch where I'm stepping. But he makes me feel so safe I forget to watch out.

My mind suddenly started to think about Val. Is she okay? She's alone with Oliver. Better known as the dark player. He is a good looking guy, that's a dead end fact. The darkness in his eyes and his mysterious style attracts girls. Obviously he takes advantage of that. So he's a Dark Player. You would never suspect he's like that just by looking at him.

The door opened and guess who walked in? Denis. Oh god that guy had the eyes of an angle. He came with his friend, it looks like Blake. The guy that throws awesome parties. He saw us and headed to our table.

Oh shit. 

"Hey what's up, man?" Anthony greeted and did this hand shake with Denis and then Blake. "So, are you two...?" Blake asked. We looked at each other kind of surprised and then look back at the two. "No way, we're just eating." I say taking a huge bit out of my burger. "Where's Val?" Blake asked.

"Umm she's in the woods with Oliver." Anthony said. "With Oliver? Haha you know that guy is probably getting some." Denis said with a wink. "Lucky dude." Blake said.

"Guys Oliver doesn't take it fast he's an undercover player. That and he knows I'd kill him if he lays his hands on her." Anthony said.

Blake and Denis laughed. "Alright. Well I'll see you tomorrow Nathalia. Ramp 48, don't forget it." Denis said to me. "I won't." They went to the line and Anthony and I finished up, leaving the next round of truth or dare for the camp out.

So now we were going to head to Walmart, the house, to burger king again for Val's smoothie and back to the camp out. I'm glad I'm getting to know him.

“What about Ramp 48?” Anthony asked with his eyes on the road. I looked at the stars. “Nothing about it. At Physical Education Denis and Oliver and Val and I competed against each other and we met Denis and Oliver so tomorrow we’re going to Ramp 48 with Val, Denis, and Oliver.” I said nonchalantly. “Cool, you know how to skateboard?” He asked. “I know how to ride but I don’t know any cool trick. That and Val wants to see Denis and I fall on our asses trying to skateboard.” He laughed. “Maybe I should go to, and enjoy the show.” “Oh god, why?” I asked to the roof.

~Oliver's point of view~

I need to come clean with Val. How do I do it? I can't simply go up to her and say, "I have a girlfriend and I'm a player. But don't worry because I'm going to change things for us." No way, I can't but at the same time right now I'm dying for another kiss another look into her eyes. Right now.

I'll just do what feels right. I'm going to break up with Marie. I've been thinking it for so long. I don't like her, it's just for my reputation, which doesn't even matter to me anymore. I'm switching school and it's time for a change.

I'll make her fall for me. Because I know that I can help her and heal her, I understand her pain. So my mission starts now.

"Come on, this way." She said heading into the wall of trees. "Wait, Val!" I yelled. She turned around and walked towards me. "Yeah?" She asked looking up to me. "Umm, never mind, so have you went to this soccer field before?” I asked looking down at my phone, which had a new message. “Yeah, I used to come here all the time with my step dad, he taught me to play soccer. And now, I’m a pro.” I laughed. “I should put you up to the test then.”

“Oh I would love to see that.” We walked towards the lights and talked about meaningless things.

~Val's Point of View~

Oliver, oh god. Why am I feeling attracted to him? I shouldn’t be I don’t want to go down that road for a long time, or never. I don’t want a crush or much less a boyfriend. What for anyways?

I am single and proud!

I should back off. Forget about that kiss, take it back… as if it never even happened. Its better not to. Anyways I just met this guy just today.

As we were walking to the nearby soccer park Oliver and I talked about random things like Pokémon and school. F

Finally at the soccer field I looked around and saw someone I didn’t want to see. Not ever, not now, not today. Life strikes again. Oh life you bitch.

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