Balancing Acts, Etc. (by @ayebooks)

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Society can be quite sadistic if you think about it. 

People think they are all high and mighty by putting others down. In a way, it’s true. They put others beneath them for their own purposes without even bothering to think about what the other person might feel, or think. They have no clue what might be happening in that person’s life. 

Adults and people with higher authority keep saying things are going to change, but they never do. There is always that one person out there – child or adult – that like tormenting people emotionally and physically. It’s terrible.

People are never able to fit in!

Society: Do this.

Person: Okay.

Society: Not like that.

Maybe if people stopped being so judgemental and harsh on others, then maybe we could have fewer suicides, less introverts, less depression, and less anxiety. 

Why don’t other people see it? Bullying only cause’s harm, it never brings anything good. 

The first lie my parents ever told me was “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” 


Words can hurt, and they do.

People just throw these stereotypes and harmful names around carelessly, and it torments the people that have to be victims. 

It saddens me that all these innocent people get bullied shamelessly because they want to express who they are. Why should they get punished for that? Why should they be called gay, fat, slutty, or retarded? 

I wish I had advice to share, but unfortunately all I can say is this: don’t listen to what they have to say. Even if they knock you down, get back up, but this time you will be ten times stronger and ten times more brave! Even if you feel like giving up, don’t.

I personally forbid it. You were born on this planet for one purpose, to live. So don’t let a couple of misjudged bullies stop you from that! It doesn’t matter what they say, yes, it may be hurtful, and there may be nothing to do about it, but one day you will find a loving spouse that will love you to the moon and back. You will have friends that support you and have your back along the way. You may have all these terrible people trying to bring you down, but I can assure you, amazing people that have an infinite love for you will always be there to balance it out. 

Because this is one thing I do know: our lives will only ever continue to be a balancing act, that has less to do with pain, and more to do with beauty.

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