The Amusement Park

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          One fine day, the Nguyen family decided to go to an amusement park near their house. They went on this one ride that spins you upside down and throws you off the ride and parachutes comes out of the backpack you are wearing plus you also get a balloon you can hold onto to float you up when you first go on the ride. After many times of riding that one ride, the sisters, Cindy and Christina decided to go and eat at the picnic spot. At that particular table that they were sitting at, there was a gutter where a small baby or a fish could jump through. Cindy found something swimming in the gutters and wanted to poke it with a stick because she thought it was that annoying fish that always swam in their pool and can walk. She thought it had followed them here since the amusement park was so close to their house. Instead a old wrinkly creature leaped out of the gutters. The creature had a skeleton of a baby with little pieces of flesh hanging off the bones and had the face of a baby except it was wrinkled. The wrinkled baby look aggravated for Cindy  had started poking it and started to chase Cindy around the amusement park and quickly entered the ride that throws you off the cart. When she got thrown off, she hung onto the balloon, but the wrinkly baby still followed on the ground. She floated all the way to her house and her neighbor's house and landed on the doorstep. She ran into her neighbor's house and locked all the doors, except the slidedoors so she could escape, still holding the big balloon so she could escape in case. The wrinkly baby found a way onto the roof and broke the skyroof and jumped in without a second thought. Cindy ran into the backyard and floated away to her neighbor's avacado tree hoping that would throw the wrinkly baby off. She landed on a branch near the top and the wrinkly baby was still following, starting to climb the tree. When the baby got close to her, she started climbing to the very top and kicked the baby face with her foot. The wrinkly baby suddenly looked cute for one second and then morphed another body with the hips connected. The baby now had two bodies and four arms and legs. The second set of arms started lunging at Cindy and she started climbing faster. when she reached the very top, she had kicked the baby four more times and the baby now had six bodies, twelve arms and legs including the original one. She jumped down, still holding the big balloon now losing helium. She landed more roughly and the baby fell down with her without any effort.

The End! Cliffhanger! Use your imagination to finish the story!

Facts about the wrinkled baby:

1. Every time someone kicks it's face, it grows another body and another set of arms and legs, they are connected at the hips.                                                                                                                                     2. When the wrinkly baby swims, all its bodies dissapear and the heels are connected, when the wrinkly baby goes back on dry land, all its bodies appear again.                                                                 3. The felsh doesn't fall off so it's there for eternal.                                                                                          4. The baby is immortal.                                                                                                                                        5. The only way to defeat it is to get it in something hot or cold enough to start burning off the felsh or extra bodies.                                                                                                                                                        6. The wrinkly baby is attracted to water or something shiny.

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