Chapter 21

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The two weeks after our parties seemed to be so slow, even though I was incredibly busy. I was only doing wedding things. I was thankful I had organized people helping me keep everything straight. I had no idea where Nick was taking me on our honeymoon, despite several attempts to get him to divulge. I had to pack a little bit of everything. I knew it was somewhere warm & that we'd be gone for two weeks. He also had murmured in my ear, "You won't need a lot of clothes." Damn, I couldn't wait to marry him. 

Nick wasn't working the few weeks before our wedding, but he was keeping busy, too. He had to get quite a few things done before we were gone for two weeks. It was nice to spend time with him since we were both taking time off from our careers. It was like we were already married. And I could not imagine my life any happier. 

One night when we had some free time, we invited our wedding party over for a cookout. We wanted them to help us pick out a song to be announced to. Everyone had their suggestions, of course. We wanted the song to be fun & easy to dance to, but we also wanted it to reflect our love for each other as well as our friends & family.

We had twenty people in the wedding party, including me & Nick. Blanda, of course was Joe's partner. Nick decided to have two best men, so Joe & Nick's friend, Cavanaugh had those honors. We paired Marissa with Cavanaugh, since they were old friends from Texas & I paired my older sister, Amber with Kevin, since they were both married & our older siblings. My friends Chelle & Steph were partnered with Marcus & Paul. Of course, Maddie was paired with Frankie since they were dating. My niece Ashlynn was walking with Greg, since Greg acted like a teenager most of the time anyway. John was partnered with my cousin, Aris, because they were both hilarious & sweet. Nick's uncle Josh was paired with my sister, Dallas, since they were both married & got along pretty well over the years. 

Our barbecue was a lot of fun & it was a great way for the 18 most important people at the wedding to bond & get to know each other. We laughed a lot & joked about possible dances we would do during our entrance. We had the entrance song narrowed down to either 'Made in the USA' or Jonas Brothers' "Burnin Up.' Nick & I decided to toss a coin to decide & it ended up being my song. So the twenty of us practiced entering a room to my song & it was pretty hilarious. Nick surprised me with his sexy moves. I guess he picked up a few things since Kevin's wedding. 

The Thursday before our wedding, Nick & I were enjoying the cool, but gorgeous L.A. weather & sitting in the hot tub Nick had put in over the summer. I was sitting in between Nick's knees, leaning on his chest. The next morning we were all headed up to Yosemite for the rehearsal dinner. Marissa & I were sharing a room for the night since Nick wasn't allowed to see me the day of the wedding. 

I played with Nick's hand in the bubbles, from the jets of the hot tub. I held his left hand & sighed. "I can't wait to see your wedding ring on this finger." I smiled remembering the day we picked out our rings. It was back in early June & we had been looking at rings all day, when Nick finally saw a ring that caught his eye. He didn't want a traditional gold wedding band because the ring I wanted wasn't going to be gold. I wanted a white gold band with a row of diamonds or diamonds around the entire band. The ring Nick saw was white gold & titanium with blue & black diamonds circling the whole band. It was gorgeous & it went really well with my rings. On the inside of our rings we inscribed "Only you, For me, Forever." 
"I can't wait to put a ring on your finger." Nick said before kissing my cheek.

I intertwined my fingers with Nick's & pulled his arms around me as I snuggled close to him, feeling his breath on my cheek. "Are you getting nervous?" I asked.

"No." He murmured in my ear. "Are you?"

I shook my head & then leaned on Nick's shoulder, turning my face toward him. "Not about marrying you. More about things going wrong or something happening that will make it not happen."

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