Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

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I'm pretty sure I have never cried more in a twenty-four hour period than I did on my wedding day. At least happy tears, anyway. Most brides had crap happen that made their wedding day memorable, like a drunk uncle or rain, but my wedding was memorable because it was amazingly perfect. Never could a wedding be more perfect. Nothing went wrong. Everything happened as it should have. Everyone I loved was able to attend. My groom looked amazing & made me feel like I was the luckiest woman in the entire universe. In fact, he looked a little too amazing. I hadn't made love to him in two months. Who the hell came up with that idea? Oh yea, me. Boy, was that a stupid idea. I wanted to ravage him so many times during our ceremony, which is probably a little inappropriate, but I couldn't help it.

When Nick was saying his vows, I felt my loins burn for him. I had this warmth come over me & I could actually feel saliva filling my mouth. God, I didn't remember ever wanting him more than I did at that moment in front of his father. Okay, a little awkward, but I wasn't seeing anyone else besides him. He was my main focus, the love of my life, the man I was marrying & the man I was making love with til death do us part.

I watched him, from across the room, while I was dancing with my girls. He was watching me, too & that made me even more excited. I saw him smile as he drank his beer, oblivious to his friends around him. Once again, I could feel my heart swell with an overwhelming feeling that I was so in love with my husband. Husband. I couldn't say that word in my head, enough. My husband. I was his wife. He was mine. Forever. Was I dreaming? I had to pinch myself a lot, that day. I wasn't dreaming. I was married to Nick Jonas. I was the envy of millions of girls all over the world. I knew how they felt. If only I could clone him. He really was perfect. If every guy were like him, there would never be a reason for divorce lawyers. I couldn't imagine ever wanting to divorce him. I was beaming at that moment, from the love I felt.

Marissa grabbed my hands & started dancing with me, waking me from my love trance. It was one of our favorite songs to jam to. After it ended, the DJ played, "The Electric Slide" & Marissa & I screamed. We loved doing this dance & I was getting Nick to do it with us, whether he wanted to or not. I'd play the wife card if I had to. I ran up to him, grabbed his hand & pulled him to the dance floor. Reluctantly, he participated & was horrible, but I loved watching him try. By the end of the song, he was definitely better. Later, I got him to do the "Cha Cha Slide" & he got that one a little more, since you just had to follow directions. He attempted it at Kevin & Joe's wedding, too, so I think he remembered some parts of it. Personally, I think he enjoyed watching my ass while we were dancing.

A little later, we were doing the dollar shot dance, which Joe had insisted we do, even though I don't drink. There was a table full of shots & our guests could pay one dollar for a shot & a short dance with either me, Nick or both. We planned on donating the money to charity, so of course everyone did it. We raised a lot of money for Juvenile Diabetes research that night. We both danced with pretty much every guest in attendance. The last girl to dance with Nick was Olivia & the last guy to dance with me, was Wilmer. Pretty sure they planned it. It was hilarious watching our guests watch the four of us. Nick hadn't noticed I was dancing with Wilmer since he was in a conversation with Olivia. I watched him smile & laugh & watch her face closely. I wondered what she was saying to him that had his undivided attention. I didn't care, I was just curious.

Wilmer chuckled, "You jealous?"

I smiled up at him & shook my head. "Not at all." I was telling the truth. There wasn't even a tiny bit of jealousy in my feelings right now. Nick was my husband. If he still had feelings for Olivia, he never would have married me. I knew this. I knew he loved me & only me. I knew I could trust him & I knew I could trust Olivia. "Are you?" I asked Wilmer.

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