Trouble in Paradise

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Me and Harry saat in the guest bed room laughing and talking for a while.

"Ya know, you're pretty cool" i said, smiling, leaning back onto the headboard

"Why thank you" he smiled cheeckily. 

"So be we should go down stairs." I said, standing up 

"Nooo" he said, laying back onto the bed and hiding his facce in the pillows.

"Yes. The people are here for you!" I said, taking a hold of his hand pulling him up.

He stood up right in front of me. We stood inches apart when he looked down at my lips and licked his bottom lip

"C'mon" i said, turning around and opening the door.

"Okay..." he sighed and walked out the door.

We went down the stairs and saw the boys together. 

"Hey" Harry said as we came to the group.

Louis gave me a questioning look

"where were you guys?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow

"Just talking in the guest room" Harry said casually, grabbing a cookie from a plate.

"Oh" Was all Louis

"so how  longer is this going to be? I might need to leave soon." I said, checking my phone for the time. 9:30

"probably till late" Harry turned to me

"I should go before things get wild" i laughed

"Okay" they each hugged me " Have fun!" i called as i walked to the door.

I was unlocking my car door when Harry ran out,

'Wait!" he said, jogging up

"Yeah?" i turned toward him

He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"I needed to do that before you left" He looked around nervously "See you soon"

I stood shocked 

"Oh, um, yeah, see you soon Harry..." I said, getting in my car and driving away

-Louis' p.o.v-

As i watched Cassie, i turned to Harry

"What did you and her actually do?" i was kinda mad

"we literally just sat and talked." He said bluntly. I saw harry's face fluch and he took off jogging to the door. I followed

I saw him swing open the door thwn close it. I watched from the window. 

I watched her turn as he got closer. I saw him lean down and kiss her cheek 

My heart stopped




I spun around so quick it would have made my head spin if i wasnt pissed,

I ran upstairs and into my room. I slammed my door, locking it. 

I was so mad i was knocking things over and screaming

"NO!" i screamed as i swept everything off my desk in one swift move

"THATS NOT FAIR!" i screamed as i felt a hot tear fall down my cheek. 

My room was a mess when i finally stopped.

*Knock knock* 

I did't anwser it.

-Cassies p.o.v-

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