How To Move On

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Its been 26 hour and 43 minutes since Louis died. Fans all over the world are heart broken and twitter is blowing up... and #imsosorrycassie is trending

All I have done is lay in his bed and cry. I haven't eaten or slept. I cant handle even the slightest thought of him without im always crying. Louis was my everything.

His funeral is today. It was in about an hour and i needed to get ready. Managment set up a large funeral for him, and I am 2nd to give a speech.

I was wearing a plain black dress that was about to mid thigh. i had on black flats with little bows, my hair was down in loose curls.

The funeral was at 4 and it was 3:45 by the time i was ready. I got in my car and went. when i got there, many fans were there, but behind a rope. They all looked appropriate and they were all respectful. I waved to a few girls and gave a weak smile.

i sat in the front row with the boys and louis' parents and sisters. Managment made me hold hands with Harry, even though i made it clear i loved Louis.

The priest had a slide show of pictures of Louis and i cried at the look of him in them. he talkes about, how only being 22, he was so successful and loved. when it was time for speeches, his dad went up.

It was time for my speech. Managment had given me one to read. when i got the his open cascate i looked down at his tux and smiled.

i walked to the mic and pulled out the little paper managment gave me.

"Louis Tomlinson was a close friend of mine. i knew him in school growing up. Harry was his best friend and we all spent time together-" i stopped talking as i ripped up the paper i was supposed to read. "im sorry im not going to read that. " i said as i looked at the guys in the second row (managment). "Louis Tomlinson was more then a friend to me. Louis was the love of my life. Louis was my past, my present, and my future." i had tears running down my face at rapid speeds " Louis was the best thing to ever happen to me. i need Louis more then i need air to breath. Louis took his last words to tell me, he loved me. "i wiped away tears. "Louis was more beautiful then the way the sky looks at dawn. Louis was more caring then a mother to their newborn child. Louis was more free then a bird. Louis was everything i wanted to have and to be. i would give my own life to hear his laugh,or hold his hand, or wake up next to him...just one more time. and i wont stand up here and say its gonna be okay... because i dont know if im gonna be okay without him. but what do know is i will never forget you Louis  William Tomlinson" i turned to walk off the stage but stopped at him castcate and i leaned down and kissed his lips, one last time. "goodbye louis" i whispered as i walked off stage and sat back down. the crowd erupted in claps.

After the speeches were over it was bury him. Everyone was allowed to put his cascate. i walked with a bucket to put the fans gifts into to bury.

As i walked by the buckets was filled up quickly. and people were saying things like im sorry and we love you but one girl looked at me and said "Louis will never forget you either" and that made me cry really hard.

i had a necklace louis gave me to drop in. And when it came time, i placed it in his hands, before stepping back as they closed it.

many famous people, including Christina Aguleira, were there. She was singing "Hurt" as he was lowered into the ground. suprisingly i wasnt crying. i was heart broken and i just wanted to see him one last time.

Once the ceremony was over everyone spread out and went to their cars. i just sat back down in my chair and stared at the small hill that was coming out the ground, where my boyfriend now eternally layed under.

-Louis P.O.V-

Right as my head hit the pillow i knew something was wrong.

No no no

I heard weird noises coming from me followed by a long beep. I saw Cassie in the doorway with the most heart wrenching look on her face I've ever seen. I jumped off the bed and ran to wrap my arms around her, but she collapsed on the ground, with harry holding her.

When i turned around i saw the door closed and i knew i was dead. Tears trickled down my face when i relised my short life was over.

-at the funeral-

i was sitting in the front row of my own funeral as i saw Cassie standing at the podium. she was reading some fake garbage managment put together when she stopped, and ripped up the paper.

i sat with tears brimming my eyes as i.listened to her heart warming speech. i stood up and screamed "Cassie! i love you"

i knew she couldnt hear me...but all i was try. i looked up at the sky and started crying. i ran up.on stage and saw her kiss my dead body. as she walked right through me.

After my funeral, she sat in her seat, looking at the dirt hill i was under.

i sat down next to her and put a hand on her back. I wanted to talk to her one last time. I wanted to kiss her one last time. I wanted so much for us... but it was all over for me. I was dead by age 22. I couldnt believe i was dead. I heard her sniffle as i looked at her.

"louis..." her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at my grave "please stay here with me" she said as tears ran down her face. i leaned forward and kissed her cheek, even though she couldnt feel.

"I love you too..." i whispered as she got up and started walking to her car, but stopped and turned around.

" And dont you ever think i will forget about you. In ten years i will look and back and say 'look louis...i never forgot'" she said before forcing a smile and walking to her car, and disapearing forever.



hey babies

so this is the end, but there is one more chapter, the epiloge (sry if its spelled wrong)

Also, i know there is alot of mispelled words and weird stuff but i was literally bawling as i wrote this so, sorry about that.

have a great day lovies

~a sad M


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