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I didn't know what time it was when i woke up slouched against the tree trunk in the middle of the field.

I still had dry tears on my cheeks and they had gotten crusty.

I pulled out my phone and saw i had a billion texts. I decided to call someone to pick me up but i didnt know who.

Oh, maybe Chloe.

I called but she didn't anwser.

Well shit.

I called Harry.

"Hello?" his morning  voice came through the phone

"Harry?" My voice sounded hoarse

"Cassie?" harry sounded startled. "Where the hell are you?" 

"I'm not sure.. i ran and ended up in this open field with one tree and fell asleep.."

"I know where you are. Huddlestone park. I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said before hanging up.

I saw harrys big suv pull up to the curb and his climb out in sweats and a t-shirt.

He walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug, picking my feet off the ground.

"we were all worried sick" he said into my hair "Louis had no right to say those things" He set me back down\

"I said mean things too though"

"But you had a reason. Now get in the car, i will take you home" he smiled

-3 days later-

I hadn't spoken to any of the boys for three days





To: Louis

What do you want exactly?


From: Louis

to say i'm sorry. i wasn't mad at you i was mad at managment. i took it out on you. 


to: louis

i dont care you still hurt me


From: louis

you didnt deserve it. please. i know deep down you love me


To: Louis

no i dont. 



then who do you love


to: louis



from: louis 



to; louis

jk. Louis im mad at you though


From; louis

how much longer..



You cant just ask me that


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