Chapter 31

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Hey guys, you all got lucky because I finished my work early and had a plentiful of time. So tell me what you guys think about the chapter, Vote, Comment I love it when you guys do ,it gets me happy and also Fan. Read my other fanfiction Rooming With Austin :) and my friends Fanfiction You and I (janoskians n 1d fanfic) I love all you awesome readers tonnsss.

Justin's P.O.V:

"Maria tell me you're lying" I paced around just extremely furious. This can't be.

How can One girl make me feel like this. It doesn't make sense.

"I wish I was" she cried. I looked at her with anger taking over me. I knew I should of hugged her but I won't.

I can't stand it when females cry. I went back to my car and drove to the only guy that can help me with my problems. Colton.

This is what I get for catching feelings for a girl.

Fuck you Callie.

Those girls Are going to pay for making her life miserable.

Why should I even care? After everything she said to me back at her house.

I didn't want her to go, I didn't want to. She could've told me something.

She could have, but she didn't want to Justin.

I made a right turn and Parked right besides Colton's house. I ran a hand through my hair and just knocked on the door. It took a while for him to answer but eventually a girl did.

"What can I help you with?" She asked. She eyed me up and down then simply smirked.

"Is Colton there?" I asked annoyed. She rolled her eyes and went back in. A few seconds later Colton appeared.

"Justin Bieber haven't seen you since That night after Kayla's Party, come in Man" He greeted giving me a bro hug. I went inside his house and Just observed how nice it actually was. Plasma screen TV, leather couches, and a Piano.

"Amy this is Justin Bieber the one i've been talking to you about" he said talking to the girl who opened the door.

"Nice to finally meet you Justin" She came over to me so she can shake my hand. I shook her hand and tried to let go but she wouldn't budge. I looked up at her and she winked at me letting go of my hand.

"We've had enough of your presence bring me and Justin beers" Colton demanded putting on a shirt.

"That's your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Don't be ridiculous Bieber you know I don't do relationships, that's just a girl who I call when I want to have sex" he explained.

"Isn't it called friends with benefits?" I laughed.

"She isn't my friend tho" Amy came with our two beers and sat down next to me.

"Carry on, me and Justin have things to talk about" he said shooing Amy away.

"So what's up Bieber?" He asked it took me a while to answer but I managed to put it one way.

"I've caught feelings for another girl" I answered. He chuckled then looked at me laughing.

"You're kidding right?" He laughed. I looked at him with a serious face and he stopped laughing knowing I wasn't kidding.

"You're serious" he spoke softly.

"Why would I lie to you about it?" I asked.

"I never thought I'd seen this coming from you especially. Justin.Bieber. Known as Hearst High Schools biggest Player has finally simmered down and has feelings for a girl, that sounds so unbelievable even when you say it" Colton laughed.

I don't feel good about it either, because I never thought I'd let one girl get to me.

Callie isn't just any girl though. She's so stubborn, bitchy, rude, and oblivious.

Yet she's beauty. Pure beauty.

"I don't get you" he said. I gave him a look showing I was offended.

"What's not to get?" I asked curiously. He took a sip of his beer and got up just to speak. It wasn't necessary but I'll let him proceed.

"You find yourself caught up with one girl when there are plenty of females willing to give you a great night with sex that's just confusing this new school has changed you Bieber" he explained.

"You just need to see her she's not like other girls, she's so hard to get and even when you feel like letting her go, you just can't" I replied. He took the bottle of beer and drank it. This was a good time for me to drink mines too.

"If that's the case then I guess I'm going to have to see her, is this why you came so you can tell me this?" He asked.

"No, I came because I feel like I'm so stupid for liking a girl, I agree with you Colton but She left to who knows where without telling anybody. Since I have no way to find her I want you to help me get over this." I explained. He took a minute processing all the words and had a thinking face.

"How do you want me to help you?" He asked. I looked at him then smirked.

"I want to get layed tonight or just makeout with a few females" I smirked.

"Your wish is my command" he smiled.

Callie's P.O.V: 1 day later

"Wake up Princess, it's time to take you out" My dad said waking me up. I groaned then put the pillow over my head trying to sleep. I didn't get no sleep yesterday.

"Come on let's go" he yelled. Taking my pillow and hitting me on the head with it to wake up. I understand he's trying to make me feel better but honestly not even a Hollister model can cheer me up. I was so depressed after what happened yesterday.

"I'm up, I'm up" I groggily said in my morning voice.

"Good now go get cleaned up because Laura the cook made breakfast" he said leaving the room.

I went over to my bathroom and just simply looked at the mirror. I looked like the ugliest zombie ever. Not that their cute but, I wasn't looking so pretty. My makeup was smudged, my eyes were all red and puffy from last night, my hair looked like a birds nest.

I splashed cold water all over my face then brushed my teeth. It's so weird how my dad had everything organized when I came here. It was like if he expected me to come to him anytime soon. living with my mom for 17 and a half years is pretty tough I can see why he was prepared.

I got undressed and took a shower with the only body wash there was which reminds me to buy some once I go to Victoria's Secret. I let the water run as I squeezed a little bit of Body wash onto my hands and rubbed it against my skin. The more I rubbed it the more the aroma was smelling around the shower. Once I was done rubbing I simply rinsed and let the warm water hit my skin. It made relax more just feeling the warmness of the water. Out of nowhere memories of Justin appeared in my head. When he lied next to me on my bed I felt his warmth on my skin making me feel good. The way his lips felt when he kissed me twice yesterday. I oddly touch my lips and just smiled to the thought of his lips against mine. Once I turned off the shower those thoughts sadly went away and I was stuck with the harsh living of knowing nobody here in New York but My Father and his employees. I just wish life wasn't so complicated. It was like if those memories just washed away with the body wash.

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