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"No, absolutely not."

"Why not, Rose? Why do you want to ruin my life so bad?" I exclaimed. "Why on earth would I let you take my son across the country?"

"Because you barely give any fucks about your son! You didn't answer his call on Mother's Day, you don't come see him. Why are you pretending that you care?" I asked. "Justin, what about our new baby?:"

"What about her? Don't worry about my daughter and I's relationship. I have that under control. I just need you to write down that you're aware that I'm taking my son to Florida with me and then we'll be done here."

"Are you really that in love? That you can just up and leave with some bitch and forget about everything? What about your work, Justin?"

"Are you forgetting that I actually own the dentistry? I can -- you know what? I don't owe you an explanation."

"She really has you that p*ssy whipped?"

"We're not even . . Rose just write it down! Get the fuck out of my business!"

"I have to think about it," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I didn't know if she was always this bitchy or if it was the pregnancy that made it ten times worse.

"This is the realist I'm gonna be with you. Caleb feels like he doesn't have anyone. His real dad walked out on him, and then he knows you don't really want him. It's obvious as hell. He feels like he doesn't have anyone but me and Camryn, and all three of us are ready to move on and be a real family. If you won't do this for me, do it for your son. Give him the chance to be happy, Rose. He deserves it."

She smiled and looked down,"I guess you're right." I handed her the adoption paper, knowing she wouldn't even care to read it. She scribbled her signature across the bottom and handed it back to me.

"Thank you," I folded it neatly and put it in my back pocket,"Camryn's gonna be psyched to know that Caleb is legally ours."

"Legally yours? What the hell did you just make me sign?"

"An adoption paper I got this morning after making sure we were eligible. Next time read what you sign," I winked and got the hell up out of there, ready to go tell Camryn the exciting news.


"Wait, she signed the paper? She really agreed?"

"Err, something like that," I smiled,"We're both legally his parents."

"I'm his mama!" She exclaimed, laughing and wrapping her arms around my neck,"Caleb is my son, for real. This is honestly so amazing."

I laughed with her and spun her around, and when the door opened we turned like deer in headlights.

"What's the celebration?" Caleb asked, dropping his bookbag slowly.

I looked at Camryn and she nodded, urging me on.

"Me, you and Camryn are moving to Florida," I beamed,"You're officially our son."

Caleb blinked and his eyes started glistening,"What'd you just say?"

"Come here," Camryn hugged him,"We're family, Caleb. You're my son."

Caleb cheesed and hugged her back. "Finally," he exclaimed,"A good mom. One who cares for real," he said, still crying.

I jointed the hug and we just stood in the middle of the room, just us three in a group hug.


Days later.

"When are we leaving?"

"As soon as we buy a house, bud," I said for the thirtieth time.

Camryn laughed,"Justin, just go with it. He's excited," she pat my back.

"You should be in bed, Caleb."

"I'm literally the only 14 year old with a bedtime," he groaned,"Besides, tomorrow is the last day of school."

"Here's some logic for you," I winked at him,"The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner school comes, the sooner school comes, the sooner it's over. And the sooner it's over, the sooner summer is here."

He blinked,"Mom, make dad go to sleep."

We both laughed, Camryn most likely ecstatic at the fact that he called her mom without hesitation,"I couldn't agree more. Aren't you used to the bullshit that comes out his mouth by now?"

Caleb chuckled,"Night, dad. Night mom."

We said our goodnights and he walked out the bedroom and I pulled my laptop and Justin laid next to me as we started looking at the houses for sale located close to the school I would be working at.

"That's nice," Justin pointed to one house. I squinted,"No, there's a pool in the backyard."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's Florida. We'd be the dumbest people in the world to waste extra money on a pool when there are hella beaches around us."

He laughed,"Good point, baby. You're better at this than I am."

"Like everything else," I boasted.

"Hey," he touched my forehead,"Don't push it. Did that one landlord email back?"

I shook my head,"Nope, I already checked. Did you get the space for your dentist building?"

"It's called Biebermade Smiles," he huffed. I raised my hands,"Well sorry. But did you?"

He nodded,"I set up the first day we get there. Did direct deposit hit?"

I grinned,"Hell yeah. And no, I didn't spend anything on Chick-fil-a."

He laughed,"Perfect. Everything's under control," we fist bumped.

"Hopefully we get a response from a landlord by tomorrow and we can get our flights."

I nodded in agreement,"Florida; new life, here we come."

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