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I took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant. I found out the day before school started at my doctor's appointment. I was gonna tell you but you were upset about the Julian thing."

"Then why were you crying?" He chuckled and hugged me again, kissing me all over my face, "I'm glad! Baby, we're going into the next chapter in our lives with a kid  together, that's great!"

I blinked, "So you aren't mad? I thought you didn't want to have any more kids because of what happened with you and Rose's baby?"

"That was Rose," he shook his head, "You're my princess, and I can't wait to meet the little seed we created that's in your stomach. I'd never leave because of a baby -- my baby. " He started laughing and I looked at my stomach as he talked to it.

"Hi, little fetus. You probably can't hear me, but I'm your daddy."

I laughed and when he pulled my shirt up and started blowing raspberries on my stomach, I started to get weirded out and pushed his head, "Uhn uhn, shorty. Gimme a couple months before you start doing that. I'm not even close to showing."

He smiled, "I missed that. I missed you being a meanass to me, so I don't care. Whatever you say, Camryn. Welcome back, me and Caleb missed the old you."

"Yeah, yeah," I stood, "You tryna' do these dishes, though?"

"Anything for you." Hmmmm, I liked this Justin. I should leave him alone for a week more often.

"No the hell you're not!" He exclaimed, turning the faucet on.

"You heard that?"

"Yes, and if you try that shit again I'll kill you, Cam I swear I will."

"No you won't," I slickly approached him from behind and wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling his bare chest with my fingertips. God, I loved when he walked around the house shirtless.

"And why won't I?"

"Because, you love me and the new baby too much," I pinched his booty and skipped out the room, still hearing his laughter.


During school the following Monday, I decided that during lunch I'd tell my co-workers the exciting news.

"Hey," Julian walked in with a paper bag in his hand. He'd been keeping his distance since he kissed me and almost fucked up my whole relationship. But me and Justin talked about it last night and we just hoped that this news would be the thing that keeps him from making any other moves. I just wanted to be friends only because I don't need any enemies.

"Hello," I said, pouring myself some water, "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he said, "As fine as I can be on a Monday."

"Well, that's good," and I left the conversation at that. And that's all it needed to be. I waited for all of the teachers I actually liked to sit down before I started to get their attention.

"Guys, I have something to tell y'all."

"You're getting married!" One guessed. I laughed, "No, not right now." Me and Justin actually talked about getting  married, and we both agreed that we didn't need to. We loved each other and that's all that matters. He could buy me a ring any day, we don't need a label.

"I'm pregnant," I said with a big smile on my face, and the table aww'd and half of them (mostly the old ladies) got up to hug me. Wishes of luck and congratulations were shouted to me all around the room, and I thanked each and every one of them.

"When do you find out the gender?"

"Ummm, not for a couple months," I laughed.

"When are you due?"

"Next May," I nodded.


Finally, our lunch break was coming to an end and one by one the room was getting emptier. Lucky me, my next class didn't start til 15 minutes after there's started, so I had little time on my hands.

I looked up and saw that Julian was throwing away the last of his things. He noticed me still in the teacher's lounge and smiled, "Congratulations, Camryn. I had no idea."

I smiled and looked at my not showing stomach, "Thank you."

"I guess this means I definitely have no chance, right?" He said, a glum expression on his face. "Quite frankly, you never had a chance, Julian. I thought you knew, but now I'm making myself clear."

He shook his head before looking to the floor, "I understand. I wish you and Justin the best of luck."

"Thank you, I appreciate it, Julian. I really do." He nodded, stuffed his hands in his suit pockets and walked out the room.

Finally, I felt on top of the world! All of my problems were gone, evaporated, poof, disappeared. Me and Justin were good, I was carrying his baby, and me and Julian had an understanding. The only thing left was telling Caleb, and that shouldn't be that hard, right?

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