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"And this is gonna be your classroom," one of my coworker said as he was giving me the tour. His name was Julian.

"Thank you," I said as I opened the door and we both walked in. "Wow," I said,"This is way better than my old room." It was way bigger, for one. My old classroom was a closet compared to this one.

"New here?"

"At the school ..?" I asked in a confused tone, because, well duh.

"No," he chuckled in his rich British accent,"To the state. The town, even."

"Oh," I nodded,"Yep. Just moved here a couple months ago."

"Oh, lovely," he said as I looked around the classroom, planning in my head.

He was cute, but he was for one trying way too hard. And I was committed to Justin, so.

"Well, thanks for the tour, Mr. Waters, but I think I've got it now."

"Oh, you don't need help setting up in here?"

I shook my head,"Thanks, but no thanks," I declined,"I'll be alright."

"Oh, okay," he scratched the back of his head,"Well, I'll be down the hall if you need me."

"Okay, thanks," and I continued to scan the room as he walked out. As if on cue, my phone started ringing and Justin's contact photo popped up on my screen.

I smiled as I answered,"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Nothing," he said, and I actually heard he sound of air escaping his lips, those damned cigarettes,"Just wanted to talk to you. How's work going? You like your co-workers?"

"They're aight," I said, putting the phone on my shoulder and starting to dust,"Why are you fucking smoking? You know I hate it when you smoke in my ear, Justin," I complained.

"Sorry," he chuckled, taking another deep breath and exhaling. I figured after that last breath he tossed the cig,"Anyway. Have you talked to the birthday boy?"

"I've called and I haven't gotten any answers, but I figured he's asleep. I'm gonna see him when I get off."

"Yeah, he was sleep when I left for the airport."

"Oh, when is your mom landing?"

"In about 10 minutes," he said.

"Is my house still clean?" I asked. He laughed,"Yes, baby, the house is still clean."

"Good," I sighed in relief,"I don't want her to think we're slobs."

"Camryn, she's my mom. She knows how I am," he laughed,"Besides, if the house was dirty she'd just clean it. It's what mothers do."

"Don't get used to that motto."

He chuckled,"I'm gonna go in, now. I'll keep you updated."

"Okay, baby. Love you," I said, making a pucker sound with my lips.

He laughed at my corniness,"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and put my hair into a ponytail before grabbing my keys to get the rest of my cleaning supplies and classroom posters and such.

It was time to get this room together.


By the time I finished, it was time to go thank Jesus.

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