Chapter 22: Contingency Plan

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Jacob's POV

A Couple of hours ago.

"Jake, Jake wake up" Stephanie says shaking me, I groan and sit up. 

"What's up?" I ask rubbing my eyes 

"I need you to come with me" she says. 

"Where are we going?" I ask 

"Not here, get up and don't wake up Seth"

I look over at the other bed Seth is sound asleep. I throw on some clothes and meet her outside

"Any reason we're ditching everyone and sneaking out?" I ask as we drive away. 

"Mostly because I don't want to be talked out of this" she says. 

"Talked out of what?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her 

"I need to pick up a package" 

"That doesn't sound shady at all" I say sarcastically which makes her smile a little 

"If you must know the package has something's that could help us with our problem" 

"Oh, Stef not to be nosy but do you know Ian?"

"Sort of" she says after a minute. 

"What does 'sort of' mean?" 

"A while back a bunch of witches including my mom got together. We were trying to figure out what to do about Isabelle. Isabelle was and is completely sadistic, she likes to play sick games and mess with peoples heads. She found out what my mom and the others were trying to do. And she got pissed. So she waited until we were all in the same place. Then she slaughtered everyone" she explains with a dead look in her eyes. 

"How'd you and your mom escape?"

A tear rolls down her face and she wipes it away. "We hid, we saw her slaughter twenty women" another tear escapes. "I mean there was nothing we could do" she says stopping in front of some store. 

She takes a deep breath and takes the keys out of the ignition. She clears her throat "sorry I didn't mean to get all emotional on you" she says 

"S'okay" I say

"So why exactly do you need me here?"

"It's always good to have a little muscle around just in case" she says getting out. 

"On a scale of one to ten how dangerous is this?" I ask. 

"About a seven"

"A seven not bad" Leah says making both of us jump. 

"Jeez stalk much" Stephanie says 

"Well someone needs to look out for the two of you" she says. 

"Fine the more the merrier" 

Stephanie says then we go into the store, it looks kind of like a post office. Stephanie walks up to the desk, there's a guy behind it. She slips him a piece of paper he reads it and goes in a room in the back of the store. When he comes back he's lugging a huge chest. Stephanie gives him a thick brown envelope he opens it then nods. I carry the chest because it looks pretty heavy 

"That was pretty tense" Leah says. 

"Yea that's why I asked Jake to come" Stephanie says 

"Crap I must have dropped my phone inside, I'll be right back stay here" she says going back inside. 

"Bossy isn't she" Leah says 

"Just like someone else I know" I say putting the chest in the trunk, whileLeah rolls her eyes at me 

"Funny" she says 

"Well, well this is a wonderful surprise" some blond guy says dragging Stephanie with him. I recognize him from Nessie's memories.

"Ian" I say 

"Would you believe that I didn't even follow you here?" he asks amused. 

"I honestly just happened to be here and look what falls into my lap" he says 

"Let go of her" Leah says 

"I honestly wish I could but-" he's cut off because Leah tackles him and Stephanie runs over to me. 

"Get to the ca-" I'm cut off by the sound of bone breaking. Leah's about to scream out in pain but Ian puts his hand over her mouth. 

"Must we do this the hard way?" he says still holding Leah in the same painful position. 

"Ian stop" Stephanie says 

"She started it" he says

Then some guy grabs Stephanie. Before I can do anything someone grabs me and pins my arms behind my back. Then I feel a needle being jabbed into my neck whatever's in it burns. All of a sudden I can't feel my arms or legs then I black out.

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