Chapter 30: The Plan Pt. 2

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Jacob's POV

"Well it looks like Ian is taking the bait" I say watching Ian 

"Good" Bella says 

"Shouldn't be long now" Jasper says 

"Has anyone seen Renesmee?" I ask

"No not yet" Edward says 

"You must be Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Jasper" some blonde girl in a gold dress says. 

"And you are..." I ask 

"I'm Isabelle" she says smiling, I take a closer look at her. She can't be more than nineteen and I'm having a hard time comparing the girl standing in front of me to the monster I imagined in my head. 

"Not what you were expecting huh?" she says

"Not at all" I say to her she laughs 

"So I guess you're looking for Renesmee" she says. 

"Yes we are" Bella says 

"Well she's around here somewhere, she'll turn up soon" she says. 

"You must be her mother she has your eyes" Isabelle says to Bella. 

"How do you know that?" Edward asks 

"It's a talent of mine I can see a vampire's true face" she says. 

"Like I can tell that your eyes were green when you were human" she says to Edward. 

"Nice party trick" I say 

"Thanks, so I guess you want to know exactly what is it that I want with Renesmee" she says. 

"That would be nice" Bella says 

"In that case we should go somewhere more private" Isabelle says walking away and we all follow her to what is pretty much a little V.I.P section. It's filled with a small group of people but Isabelle gets rid of them with a flick of her wrist. 

"So what is this ritual for?" Bella asks after we all sit down. 

"The ritual is a test of sorts" she says 

"And what exactly are you testing her for?" I ask

"My brother is a vampire-" 

"How is that possible" Jasper asks 

"He's one of the earliest vampires ever created" she says. 

"Why aren't there more vampires like him?" Edward asks

"Because like every other creature they evolved. Their skin got harder, their special blood turned to venom and they got pale. It was very interesting to watch, until the vampires that were like my brother started dropping like flies. No matter how much blood they drank... they got weak to the point that they desiccated. So to prevent that from happening to my brother I made a potion that I give to the girls he feeds on. It keeps him alive but he's still dying so naturally I started looking for something to save him. Then I stumbled onto a prophecy that told me Renesmee's blood would be the thing to save him or kill him. So this sacrifice ritual is to see if her blood is the answer I've been looking for" she explains. 

"So what will happen after  the ritual?" Bella asks. 

"Well...let's just say we all want the same thing" Isabelle says popping a cherry into her mouth. I think about it for a second.

"So if Renesmee's blood is what you've been looking for she'll survive" I say 

"Exactly" Isabelle says

"And if it isn't she'll die" Edward says 

"Yes but I'm pretty sure it's her" Isabelle says

"How long exactly have you been looking for this... cure?" Jasper asks 

"Give or take five hundred years, and to answer your next question I'm immortal" 

"How?" I ask 

"Do you really want to know?" she ask. I can tell by her tone that this isn't going to be a pretty story. 

"Let's call it morbid curiosity" I say 

"Alright then, well I've always been extremely powerful. So after my brother was turned into a vampire I found a spell that could turn me immortal-" she says. 

"Why don't all witches use this spell?" Bella asks 

"Most don't have the uh... stomach for it" Isabelle says. 

"Why? What did you have to do?" I ask. 

"Most spells like that are powerful and dark so they need an anchor of purity. So naturally the main ingredient for the spell was the heart of a virgin" she says. 

I want to say something but I keep quiet 

"The guy I picked was sweet. He fell head over heels in love with me" 

"So you made some poor kid fall in love with you and what he just gave you his heart?" Bella asks. 

"Of course not I had to plan out that part. One night I convinced him that we were finally going to do it" she laughs "you should have seen his face when I pulled out the knife" she says smiling at the memory. 

"Why let him fall in love with you? Why betray him like that?" Jasper asks trying to mask the disgust in his voice. 

"Because the betrayal made it more fun" she says smiling and popping another cherry into her mouth.


After the explanation and the disturbing story about how Isabelle became immortal. We're all equally disturbed and a little shaken, at least now I can see Isabelle as the monster I pictured before I actually met her. 

"She's sick" Edward says after we're a safe distance away 

"Yea now I really hope this plan works" Bella says. 

"And if it does work maybe Stef could put us in supernatural witness protection. Because we're going to need it" I say. 

"Aright we better split up now, is everybody synced up?" Bella asks 

"Yes" we all say

Then we all go our separate ways and I start looking for Ian when I find him I see that he's still taking the bait. Which is good but I really want to find Nessie so I start looking around. Then I see her and despite everything that's going on I'm breathless. She looks incredible she's wearing a red backless dress and her hair is in its natural state. She's with Alec and they're looking for us most likely. I look at my watch and I have enough time, I walk over to them.

"Your not looking for me are you?" I say to her 

"Jake!" she says turning around and hugging me. "You found me"

"Of course I did, hey Alec glad to see your still alive" 

"Thanks, so I assume you guys have a plan?" Alec asks 

"Yea is there somewhere we can talk in private?" I ask him. 

"Sure" Alec says then he leads us to a hallway filled with rooms and we go into an empty one. "Okay so what's the plan?" he asks after he closes the door.

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now