13. Moodiness

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"Hey, kitten." Harry said as he kissed your cheek. "And hello to you to baby." He chuckled as he bent down to your stomach and kissed it. You giggled and blushed, but that soon turned to tears brimming your eyes.

"Kitty? Did I say something wrong? Did I hurt you?" He quizzed as he cupped your cheeks in his hands and looked you in the eyes, trying to figure out the answer of why you were crying. You shook your head and buried you head into his chest.

"No, you did nothing wrong, it's just that we're finally having a baby and it's already going so fast and I just want to hold the small thing in my arms already." You sniffed as you were cuddled into Harry's chest.

"Shh kitty. Before you know it, loud screams will be heard from the nursery that we're still working on and we'll take turns of getting up and seeing what he or she wants. A little bundle of joy. A mini me or you running around the backyard." He chuckled, making you blush and giggle along with him. You rubbed your stomach, which made Harry do the same as he leaned down once again to kiss it lightly.

"I can't wait for you to come into the world." Harry whispered.


You woke up to an empty bed with no Louis beside you like usual. You groaned and moved around a bit, trying to get comfortable again but didn't succeed. You got up out of bed and slumped all the way down to the lounge room where you heard the T.V.

"Hey baby." An all to familiar accent rung behind you as you landed on the couch beside Louis, snuggled into his chest as he glady accepted your presence, kissing the top of your head. "How are you feeling today?" He asked, a smile spread on his face.

"Gloomy." You mumbled, your eyes closed and trying to get some sleep. Louis let out a throaty chuckle as he put his head on top of yours.

"Moodiness I see." He stated, a smile still evident on his face. You mumbled a quiet 'yes' and wrapped your arms around Louis as he did with you. "Hey, at least it isn't those horrible cravings and morning sicknesses." He exclaimed, earning a slap on the chest from you.

"Hey! That hurt!"


"Ugh Zayn!" You groaned as you picked up another piece of clothing off the ground that belonged to him. You walked into the kitchen to see the Zayn sitting at the bench doing nothing but on his phone. You huff as you walk past him, obviously pissed off. 

"Woah! What's wrong with you today?" Zayn chuckled as he put his phone in his pocket.

"You really want to know what's wrong Zayn!? Really! I alwasy have to clean up after you! The clothes on the floor, beer bottles scattered around the living room and pizza boxes piled up near the bin! I'm tired okay! This baby is giving me enough work as it is so I appreciate it if you got up your god damn lazy ass and help me!" You full on blow at him as you walked into the living room where you start cleaning up all over again, tears slowly trickling out of your eyes. 

You grab a few bottles in your hands, ready to take them and put them in the bin outside when 2 arms were wrapped gently around your waist, grabbing the bottles and setting them back down on the coffee table. You went limp and let him do it, the tears falling more quickly down your red cheeks.

He turns you around and brings you in for a hug, your tears dampening his shirt which he payed no attention to.

"I love you." He whispered.


You walked in through the door with 5 bags full of things that included food, clothes and books. You tried to slip of your flats but wasn't able to since you couldn't see them. You groaned walked into the kitchen where you saw Liam going through the cupboards, obviously looking for something. You walked in and tried to place the bags somewhere, but wasn't able to since your arms were full on stiff. You sniffled a bit as you tried to avoid the pain. Liam must of heard you and turned around with a smile on your face, but soon disappeared when he saw you in the state you were in. He rushed towards you and took the bags away from you, then picking you up gently and taking you upstairs to your shared bedroom, laying you down on the toilet. 

He started the bath up, then taking of your shoes and clothes, leaving you stark naked with the bump showing. Liam helped you in, then getting in himself as he pulled your back into his chest.

"What happened baby?" He whispered in your ear, making your tear up.

"I was just walking around trying to find a store when I got swarmed by paps a-and fans. They wouldn't leave me alone and security came and tried to break everything up and then I was escorted to my car." You cried. Liam kissed your forehead as he cooed and hushed you to calm down. 

"It's over now, don't worry about it. I'll see if managment can do anything about it." He exclaimed.

"Okay." You sniffed.


You we sitting downstairs, watching T.V as usual when you heard the door open and close. Niall walked in with his famous toothy smile plastered on his face. He walked over to you and kissed your cheek, forehead anything on your face he could kiss. The only thing was that he didn't know you were having a bad day, and you usually loved what he was doing but now wasn't the time.

"Niall, stop." You groaned, trying to push him away a bit. He didn't sense anything was wrong so he continued, obviously thinking you liked it. You got more and more frustrated and thats when you snapped.

"Niall STOP!" You yelled. Niall stopped what he was doing and backed away from you. "Baby, just please-" You were cut off by Niall getting up and leaving the room, mumbling a 'sorry' before he left. You sighed and a pang of guilt went through you as you sat your self up and slowly waddled through to the kitchen where you saw Niall filling a glass of water up. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his back, feeling him tense up a bit but then settle down afterwards once he knew it was you.

"I'm sorry baby. It was just one of my mood swings that I have been getting lately. I'm sorry I snapped." You whispered, loud enough for him to hear. You felt him turn around and bring you in for one of his Horan Hugs.

"It's fine princess. I understand, Mum told me all about it." He chuckled, dragging 'all' along. You laughed and looked up at him and then pecking his lips before moving away from him and going to the pantry.

"Now, what to eat." You mumbled, earning a laugh from Niall who was behind you, watching your every move.

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