29. Christmas Shopping

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Harry: (Your P.O.V)

"What about your Mum?" You asked as you looked through the stores.

"I don't know (Y/N), stop asking me. She doesn't need anything." Harry groaned.

"Harry it's Christmas, of course she's going to want something. Stop being grumpy, I would at least like to spend some time with my husband you know." You snapped and turned around at him. His curls were pulled back and he wore his usual clothes which were a plain shirt and black jeans with the worn out shoes that he always wears. "You can go do whatever you want while we're here, I can just go on my own then." You said and started to walk forwards again, but to be only stopped again.

"I'm sorry. Tour tired me out and I can't just let you go alone, fans and paps are around here...who know's what will happen if you're alone." He whispered, bringing you in for a hug.

"So can we take a break and go get something to eat?" You asked, a small grin on your face.

"Love, we'e only been here 10 minutes and you're already hun-" You gave him a glare. "You know what, yeah let's go get something to eat." He chuckled lightly making you smile smugly.

Louis: (His P.O.V)

"I don't know what to get her though." I said as me and Liam looked around the mall, looking for Christmas presents.

"Well what does she want?" Liam shrugged.

"She doesn't want anything expensive, but yet don't want to get her anything that's super cheap." I groaned and rubbed my face with my hands. Liam patted my back.

"What about in here." Liam said. I looked up to see a small jewelry shop. I walked in and instantly smelt cleaning chemicals. I scanned over the glass counters and saw heaps of earrings, necklaces and bracelets. My eyes landed on a certain necklace that caught my attention.

It was a silver necklace with a small heart and vines that had little pieces of green in them wrapping around the chain until it reached the clip. It had (Y/N) all over.

"Liam this one. Can I get this one please." I called Liam overand went to the cashier and pointed to the necklace. She nodded and picked it up carefully and put it in a box. "Thanks." I quickly said before hurrying out with Liam.

"Let me see it." Liam said as we reached the car. I pulled the box out and opened it. "Mate, she's going to love that." He smiled. I hope so.

Zayn: (Your P.O.V)

You walked around the store looking for Christmas presents for Zayn and his family, but since you didn't know what they wanted, it happened to be really hard. You had been waddling around with a guard watching closly from a distance for at least 30 minutes and you still hadn't found anything.

You walked past a store that was filled with comic books, and you knew how much Zayn loved them. You knew which ones Zayn had so it made it easy to pick out the ones he didn't have. You walked in and the smell of paper filled your nose as you walked around. You came to a shelf and saw a limited edition that Zayn definitely didn't have, but since you wanted to use your own money for his present you couldn't afford it.

"Here." You turned around to see the guard who had been watching you from a distance. He was handing out a $100 dollar bill towards you. "I knew you couldn't afford it out of your own money, just please don't tell anyone." He pleaded. You nodded.

"Thank you." You smiled as you grabbed the books and went to pay for them.

Liam: (His P.O.V)

"I don't have a clue what to get for your Mum?" (Y/N) said as she combed her hair back with her hands. 

"It's going to be fine love. I'm pretty sure she would want the baby for Christmas." I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her waist. She sighed and turned around in my arms, wrapping her arms around me and digging her head into my chest.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I've been a little stressed lately not to mention tired." She mumbled. I ran my hand up and down her back, feeling her relax instantly. 

"It's okay. What about we go home and we can do shopping next week. Christmas isn't till next month baby." I kissed the top of her head and we walked back to the car.

Niall: (His P.O.V)

I was panicing of what to get (Y/N) for Christmas. I had no idea of what to get her at all. I probably looked like some mentally ill guy speed walking around the whole shopping centre. 

"Mate, calm down. I'm pretty sure she would either love you getting baby things or just being with her." Harry reassured as he sat with me on the bench.

"It's just worrying me that's all." I mumbled as I rubbed my face with my hands.

"What are you worried about?" Harry asked.

"I'm worried that she isn't going to have a good Christmas, since she's pregnant." I exclaimed. He nodded and stood up.

"Then take her somewhere that day, keep her out of the house. She talks to (H/W/N) all the time and she's always talking about going places." He smiled.

"Why hasn't she talken to me about it though?" I asked, instantly standing up and walking towards the exit doors where 2 guards were waiting for us.

"(H/W/N) told me that she didn't want to hold you back since we have our new album coming out in a few weeks. (Y/N) probably thought you would say no because of work." He shrugged. Why would she think I would say no? 

"I'm taking her somewhere for Christmas." I stated firmly as I grabbed out my phone and scrolled through tickets to places.


Hey Guys!

I haven't done one of these in a long time! Quick things I want to say;

Thank you to the people who did watch my first Twitcam, I didn't feel like an idiot that time. I actually had fun and I enjoyed it, so expect some more in the future. When I get a hold of my friend, I'm going to get her to sing for you guys, if you watch. But that probably won't be till next year and believe me when I say she is GOOD!

The Vampire Series will NOT continue till next yeat, sorry to say. I'm really focused on the stories I have now so I think I might actually continue the Vampire Series in August, if not earlier.

The sequel to Dead Hearts is coming out next year on SEPTEMBER 15th so also keep a look out for that. If you haven't read Dead Hearts before, go to my profile and into my works it will be there. It's my version of Twilight so if you could go check that out it would be great.

White Fangs will also continue next year maybe in December I don't know, I have a lot of books to finish before I do anymore and I'm really determined to finish them all by the end of next year. 

BABY SERIES! Will continue NEXT YEAR and I'm so fricken EXCITED for it! Sadly, it may have to start mid year but I might make it on the 4th of JULY so there is a reason to publish it. 

Jezabel01 Xx

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