14. Gender Guessing

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"Harry! Come here!" You called out to your husband. You heard him running towards your bedroom where you were currently sitting on the bed with the laptop on your lap.

"What's wrong kitten? What happened?" He questioned, quickly walking towards you to see if you were okay.

"I'm fine, come sit next to me." You patted the space beside you. He sighed in relief and did as you told. "Look at this." You breathed. "This is the Chinese way of prediciting what gender the baby is by the date I was concepted and when I was born." You exclaimed. He nodded. 

"It's just a prediction right?" He frowned. You laughed at his concern, knowing he wanted to wait for the doctor to tell him.

"Yes, Harry it's just a prediction." You pecked his cheek and went to fill out it out. "Now I concepted on the (M/D/2013) and my birthday is-"

"(M/D/Y)" Harry finished it off for you. You looked at him and smiled as he mirrored it back. You shook your head and laughed as you clicked the calculate button. After a while it popped up.

"We might be having a girl!" You squealed. Harry chuckled at your excitement.

"Kitty, it's only a prediction." He stated, bringing you in for a hug.

"I know, but I'm allowed to get excited you know." 


You and Louis were currently at his Mum's house. When it was only supposed to be a family lunch, the turned out to be a prediction of what gender the baby will be. You were lying down on the couch, with your head in Louis' lap. Your bump was showing and your wedding ring was off and attatched to a string, hanging over your bump.

"Now wait a while and see what it does." Jay said, sitting on the other couch with the girls. After a few seconds the ring swung like a pendulum. You and Louis looked up at Jay, since she knew what it meant.

"Mum, what doesn it mean?" Louis asked. Jay's eyes twinkled.

"You might be having a boy. If it's a girl then it would of done circular motions but if it's a boy it would swing like a pendulum." She smiled. You smiled and rubbed your baby bump, Louis taking the string and taking the ring off of it, then grabbing your hand and slipping the ring on where it belonged. You looked up at Louis and smiled at him. He leaned down to place a gentle kiss to your lips and rubbed your belly just like you were doing.

"Perfect." He mumbled.


"Let's just guess." Zayn mumbled in your ear as he rubbed your stomach.

You and Zayn were on the couch. You were supposed to be watching a movie together but that soon turned into finding ways of how to predict what gender the babies were going to be. 

"Okay, well what do you think they're going to be?" You asked, smiling down at your bump. Zayn hummed in thought beside you, his warmth radiating off him and towards you.

"I think that they're going to be 2 gorgeous girls just like their mother." Zayn smiled as he kissed the tip of your nose, earning a giggle from you.

"Well I want them to be 2 boys with raven black hair, tanned skin and beautiful brown eyes just like their father." You smiled back at him as he shook his head and chuckled, leaning in to kiss your lips.

"What ever you want I'll be fine." He let out a deep, throaty chuckle and kissed you.


"Bloody hell, I'm freezing." You muttered and curled up more into the blanket and Liam. 

"You cold honey?" He asked as you nodded your head.He chuckled and took off his jumper, handing it to you and turning up the heat, also grabbing another blanket along the way.

"But then you'll get cold." You stated as you handed him the jumper.

"Take it (Y/N), I'll be fine." He reassured as he snuggled back in with you. "I want to tell you someting that I found on the internet the other day." He said as he got up and walked upstairs. You playfully pouted and extended your arms towards him.

"Be quick!" You yelled. After a few minutes he came back down with his laptop and sat back where he was next to you.

"Women who are colder than usual during a pregnancy, are predicted to be having a boy." Liam read from the screen. You looked up at him, taking the laptop away and looking at it yourself. "It may be wrong, but I had to see the predictions of the gender." Liam blushed. You giggled and pecked his cheek, making him blush even redder.

"A boy." You said to yourself.


You, Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle were all sitting outside of the cafe where you always meet up on weekends together before shopping. 

"What do you feel like (Y/N)" Dani asked you, handing out the menus she just got. 

"I feel like something sweet, but then Niall keeps telling me to eat healthy but its hard when he sits on the couch with chocolate, ice-cream or lollies all the time." You giggle along with the girls.

"You do know that if your craving something sweet, it means your having a girl." Perrie exclaims to you. You look at her and smile.

"Does it really?" You asked. 

"Yep, when I was pregnant with Emily and Jessie I was craving something sweet or sour." El said as she handed her order to the waiter. "So pick something sweet, no ones stopping you and plus tell Niall about it." She smiled. You nodded and scanned through the menu.

"2 slices of cake, and a milkshake please..........oh and make that 2 big slices please." You said, listing your food to the waiter. He nodded and left. "What?" You asked, confused at the girls while they were laughing hysterically.

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