20. Baby Shopping

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"We have to get this, this and this." Harry said as he chucked a whole pile of dummies, nappies and bottle in the trolley.

"Harry babe, calm down. We can start shopping for those when I'm 5 to 7 months pregnant." I giggled as I started to take out a few things from the the trolley, but my hand was playfully swatted away by Harry.

"To bad, we're getting it." He said as he pushed the trolley forwards. I laughed and followed after him.

"We need to get thing for the nursery like a cot, paint and all the nick nacks." I said as I scanned through the baby items. He nodded and pushed the cart down the aisles to the baby bed section. We scanned through a whole heap of them, but nothing we saw caught our attention. 

"Baby what about this one." Harry called as he stopped in front of a shelf. I waddled over to him and saw that he was looking at a crib that had dark chestnut brown boards and a white matteress that would be covered with sheets for the baby. I stepped forwards and felt the wooden panels and felt the smoothless.

"I love it." I whispered as I watched Harry pick it up and carefully place it in the trolley. 

"Let's go then." He cheered. "Because I know you're hungry."


"There are soooo many strollers to choose from." Louis groaned, putting a hand in his hair and walking with you with his arm wrapped around your waist.

"Let's just choose one that isn't bad looking and go because I'm beyond tired." I said, rubbing my eyes with my hands. Louis kissed my forehead and walked further down, until he stopped.

"What about this one?" He asked, as he pointed towards a black stroller that was put on the highest shelf. You studied it and saw how small the seat was.

"I can't believe they're going to be that small." You whispered. 

"So, do you wanna get it for Emma?" He asked. You nodded a went to grab the trolley for Louis to put it in. "I don't get it, why do they have to be so heavy." Louis panted as he finally got the box in the cart. You shrugged and went to push the cart when Louis stopped you. "Let me push it, it's going to be to hard and it'll tire you out, believe me." He chuckled. You nodded and peck his lips as you walked beside the trolley, Louis watching your every move.


"Oh my god, look at these (Y/N)" Zayn breathed as he speed walked over to a shelf that held a whole stock of baby clothes. He grabbed a jacket that looked exactly like his but 10x smaller in size. You giggled and walked over, grabbing it out of his hand and feeling the material and buttons that were just for show.

"They are going to be so much like you." You sighed as you handed the jacket back to Zayn so he could look at it again. His smile dropped a bit and he quickly put the jacket back and jogged up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and stopping you from moving the trolley.

"Hey, hey, hey. You never know, they could look like you or one of them looks like me and the other looks like you." He said as he hugged you closer towards him gently, making sure not to hurt the boys. You nodded and walked back over to the jackets and picked up the same one, but 2 of them.

"Okay, but they have to wear the same clothes." You smiled as you waddled back over to Zayn and put them in, him pecking you forehead as you did so.


You and Liam were walking around the mall looking for baby things for the baby of course. You've both been there for at least 2 hours and all you had were a crib, clothes for each gender and bottles and dummies, which was a good start. You walked past a baby store and stopped at the door and peered in, your eyes spotting a white fluffy blanket. Your hormones had been acting up all week and you felt tear brim your eyes at the cuteness. You walked in, as Liam was looking at you awkwardly but followed right behind you.

"Love, what are you doing?" He chuckled as he saw you pick up the blanket and hug it to you.

"I love this blanket." You mumbled into the whitness, earning another chuckle from Liam, which made you blush and put it back. He walked over to you and picked it back up.

"Do you want it?' He cooed as he moved the blanket in your face. You nodded your head as your eyes went wide. "Then let's buy it." He cheered as he walked over to the cashier with you behind. and before you knew it, you were walking around the mall, hugging the blanket where ever you went.


You, Niall, Maura, Denise and Greg had planned to go shopping for the baby. Orignially it was just supposed to be You, Maura and Denise but then Niall wanted to come along and his older brother obviously felt sorry for him since he will be yelled at by the women in the group at his choice of things for the baby, since you were in hormonal week.

"What about this (Y/N)" Denise held up a little pink onsie that had white polka dots and said 'I <3 Niall' written in a light blue to stand out. You squealed and grabbed it from Denise, walking over to Niall and Greg who were walking behind, and before you could reach them, Greg quickly said something to Ni but you shrugged it off.

"Ni, what do you think?" You asked as you held it up, Maura and Denise in the background talking and watching. He looked up with an emotionless look.

"It's pink." He said. You nodded, the smile still on your face. "Babe, there's to much pink going on and I really don't like it." He exclaimed. Greg was beside him, looking down at the ground as did Niall. Your smile that you had on all day, dropped.

"Oh." Was all you said before you turned around back to the girls who were smiling. "He doesn't like it." You said, hanging it back up and walking away with Denise and Maura.

"What! Why?" Maura asked, walking beside you.

"He said it was to much pink." You shrugged and continued to walk. Denise looked back and scolded under her breath.

"Honey, I don't think he was meant to say that. I'm pretty sure he loved it. I'll be back, meet me near the books." She said before turning around and walking back to Greg and Niall. You nodded and confused and walked with Maura to the books and waited. After 5 minutes, Denise and Niall walked around the corner with no Greg. Niall had his head tilted to the floor and Denise was gripping him tightly by the arm. "Speak, we're leaving you alone." Was all that Denise said as she grabbed her mother-in-law and walked off somewhere, back where you came from. 

You walked down another aisle and ignore Niall as he followed behind you. It went on for like 2 minuted before he stopped the cart from moving. 

"I'm sorry. Greg thought it would be funny as a dare and you know how competitive I am." He said as he pushed the trolley to the other side. "When he saw you coming down with the clothes he told me to do it, and so I did." He finished. You were now looking at the ground.

"So you didn't like it at all?" You questioned. 

"No, no I loved it. I thought it was adorable. Greg got sent to the car to wait by Denise and Mum and her went to go get the onesie." His thick accent spoke. You nodded and wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in for a hug.

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