40. Speaking To His Mum

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"Harry was such a handful when he was younger, hopefully Aiden isn't as bad." Anne laughed as she gave your glass of tea.

"Really, he told me something different." You laughed along with Anne.

"He is really happy you know. When he was around 7, he told ran up to me and said 'One day Mummy, I will find my princess and have heaps of kids with her' and he ran off..now look at him." Anne sniffed. You reached over and grabbed a few tissues, handing then to her.

"He will always be your little boy." You smiled and brought her in for a hug.


You and Jay sat on stools in the kitchen as you watched Louis and his little sisters run around in the backyard. Imagining Louis and your baby girl doing that with him filled your mind.

"He talks about you all the time. About how he can't wait to see Emma and you together and how lucky he is." Jay blurts out as your head snaps towards her.

"He is going to be great with Emma, she will definitely be a Daddy's girl for sure." You nodded your head and smile. Speaking of the devil himself, in walks a chuckling Louis with the girls following after him.

"Hey Mum." Louis smiled and pecked his Mums cheeks, then turning to you. "Hey baby." He said before smashing his lips to yours.

"Louis, we're with your family." You warn.

"When we get home though?" He asked, making you nod and laugh.


"I still can't get over how you are having twins." Trisha smiles.

"Believe me, with boys it's hard work." You laugh and sit on the couch.

"He is so excited to have 2 boys around. He always tells me that one will be a smart brain kid with your talents and one that is just plain bad with his personality." She giggled along with you.

"I always hear him singing to them when we go to bed, he must of thought I would have fallen asleep but he says all the things he would do with them, how much he would love them no matter what they would do and how to treat a girl right." You sniff as tears well up.

"You are going to be an amazing mother." Trisha reassures as she hands you a tissue.


"And he would stand there doing stupid faces." Karen laughed as she shared some funny moments of when Liam was a kid.

"I hope the baby is as funny as him." You sigh and rub your stomach that was carrying the baby of an unknown gender. You felt Karen grip your hand tightly.

"The baby will definitely be him if the baby's a boy." She giggled, you following. She told you more embarrassing stories of when Liam was younger, and by now you were both in fits of laughter.

"I'm home!" Liam calls from the doorway, walking into the kitchen and seeing the fits you were having. "What's so funny?" He asked and shrugged his shoulders, moving into the kitchen.


"All he ever talks about is how much he loves you and Ava." Maura smiles as you help her make dinner. 

Denise and Theo were in the lounge room and Niall and Greg were outside cooking on the BBQ. It was a mini get together and you couldn't be happier. You stared at your husband for what seems like a while, he must of noticed by turning his head and catching your eye as he gave you a smile and returned back to cooking with his older brother.

"He gets excited and always talks to her when he sees me, it doesn't matter where, he just has to talk to her." You giggle. "Yet, out of all the girls that throw themselves at him-" You were about to finish but Maura bet you to it.

"He chose you." She smiles and kisses your forehead. "I have never seen him so happy with someone." She stated.

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