Chapter seven

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[Elena's P.O.V]
"Go and talk to him again, see if he will be more open to listen and understand if he is not just getting hit with the shock that he killed nearly one thousand innocent people." Damon suggested.

Listening to Damon squeal about something that is pointless after my conversation with Stefan a few days ago is tiring.

What I really want right now is Damon to understand.

"I told you he was clear what he wanted and I'm just doing what he told me to do, that's what's going to get me back into his good graces." I told him.

I saw the hope in his eyes, it was a familiar look. I used to see it in the mirror back in senior year when I was crushing on Stefan.

Just thinking of Stefan's name gave me full blown flashbacks of everything we've done together.

My favorite memory of us is when he told me he loved me.

"You're wrong, I know my brother.. I may not have seen him in over a year but I still know him." Damon had a long exhale before continuing. "Elena when it's real you can't walk away."

"Please to him, our relationship probably seemed fake. Using the one thing I did to make it seem as if everything was wrong." I rolled my eyes as unshed tears formed.

"There has got to be something we could do.." Damon sounded like he faded off. Until his head popped back into position. "I have an idea." He announced.

The room filled with silence, I was unsure why because Damon had just spoke without completely finishing his sentence.

"Care to tell me what this plan is?" I asked eager to learn as to what his plan is.

"We need to show that he still cares about you—" I cut him off.

"Damon he already does, he told me he wants me to be happy just not with him." I said remembering Stefan's and I's fight the other day.

"Something more than that, you risked your relationship with Stefan so you could save his life. Well my plan could help Stefan do the same." A smirk appeared on Damons face as he explained.

"So what's this plan of yours?" I was intrigued.

"I'm going to kidnap you. Ah now before you say something just hear me out." I nodded. "I'll text him anonymously, he'll come to save you, it'll be romantic, blah blah blah you live happily ever after." Damon told me.

"And what happens when he saves me then leaves me, again?" I squinted my eyes not knowing how Damon wouldn't have thought of that himself.

"You'll tell him that your brother died because of his decision." He raised his eyebrows as he revealed the rest of his 'master plan'

"You want me to lie to him? What no, are you mentally insane Damon! He could see Jeremy walking down the street or better yet in my house if he actually does decide to be with me again!" Yelled looking at Damon who looked dumbfounded.

"You won't be able to tell anyone about you being a vampire which means you leave town— with Stefan." He smiled again he thought he had a solution for everything.

"Why do you want to help me so much?" I asked him, tilting my head to the side.

"Because I caused this mess, I shouldn't have turned my emotions off and tried to get us all killed." He divulged.

"I forgives you a while ago, most of me doesn't understand why but I did. So I want to thank you for helping me with my Stefan problems." I smiled.

*a while later*

[Stefan's P.O.V]
I'm sitting in a old run down cabin just a a few miles away from New York City. Of course this cabin is in the woods.

I'm just collecting my thoughts about what I'm going to do with my recently extended life.

If I want to be with someone forever I only have two options, turn someone. Which I don't even think of an option because then I might as well just go be with Elena again. But another option is just forget the past and be with Elena, which would be hard considering I have the craving of blood as a reminder of what she did to me.

But I'd be lying if the thought didn't cross my mind. It would be kind of nice to be back with the potential 'love of my life'.

I shook my head trying to get the thoughts of her out of my head.

"You need to get over yourself Stefan." I heard a familIar voice scold me.

"Damon." I said forming my lips into a straight line.

"In the flesh." He had a cocky smile on his face, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't want to see you or anyone right now, I just want to move on with my life which thanks to Elena is eternity." I looked away.

"No, thanks to me. Elena wouldn't have had to do this to you if I wasn't threatening the life of both her and you." Elena could've let Damon kill me, at least she wouldn't have chosen the life I live for me.

"Well she could've let me die." I told him turning around.

"Are you serious. You honestly think Elena would've let you die, I'm willing to bet Elena knew that she would lose you but she chose your life over her relationship." Damon yelled.

"Well look where it got her." I told him.

"I have to leave but don't be stupid brother." He winked at me then vamp-speeded away.

I've got another chapter after this coming your way. And it involves Stelena!!

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