Chapter nine

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[Stefan's P.O.V]
My hands were shaking.. I felt this feeling that I didn't want to feel. Ever.

It was like my throat was full, but empty at the same time. Was that what guilt felt like?

Everyone has felt guilt before.. but I never truly felt it because I just thought that it happened for a reason, or oh well can't change it now.

But this was different.

I took someone's life, somebody I had called a friend, the potential love of my life's brother. Basically without a second thought.

Guilt is probably the number one reason for vampires turning their humanity off. That or sadness.

I wasn't completely sure if what I was about to do was for myself, or for.. Elena.

My foot stuck onto Damons, doormat outside his place as I clenched my fist, raised it to his door, I gently knocked.

I was still getting used to the fact that my all my senses were heightened. So I could hear Damon walk over to open the door.

His eyes grew wide as he saw me standing in the doorway.

"Stefan." Damon said in astonishment that I'd even want to see him still.

"We need to talk." I told him getting to the point.

"Do you want to come in?" Damon pushed aside as I walked into his place.

"Uh.. yeah." I nodded my head while walking past him. "Nice, did you get this after you left mystic falls?"

"You're not here for small talk brother. So tell me what you're here for?" Damon bugged.

"Jeremy.. uh Elena's brother? I killed him.. and well you've killed someone before I'm assuming, so how did you.. deal?" I stuttered trying to get my words of guilt out.

"I turned it off, but I'm guessing you knew that. I also don't believe that's the reason you're here." I looked at him as I narrowed my eyes at him.

I walked over and punched him in the jaw, with anger.

"Why would you make my girlfriend a vampire? Huh! Or tried to kill me, making Elena change me an option!" I screamed.

"Girlfriend? I know this isn't the best time to correct, but who was here for her when you weren't? Me that's who. That punch was amateur level Stefan, if you wanna punch me punch me like a man. Or better yet as a vampire." Damon fought, all he was doing was stirring the pot. Making me want to just full out hit him.

"If you're claiming to want to be brothers or even friends then why are you testing me?" I asked resisting the urge to punch him again.

"Because.. I like her. Not romantically but she cares so much about you, so Elena won't stick up for herself. Someone needs to get to you." Damon divulged.

"How many times do I have to say this, I can't be with her! I don't want to be with someone who doesn't respect my choices." I told him.

"What like you respected her choice when she told you not to save her?" What did he just say?

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Um.. you told me!" He smiled, but it looked fake.

"No I didn't." I shook my head. "Now you're the person who isn't telling me something, spill."

He stood still, avoiding eye contact.

"If you want me to think about, or even a glimmer of hope of being close again, than you'll tell me how you know Elena asked me not to save her." I threatened him.

"Okay.. Elena was heartbroken, she needed a way to get you back, so she made up the kidnapping—we made up the kidnapping. We planned that if she asked you not to save her, we knew you would. But that wasn't good enough, you didn't want to be with Elena because she didn't ask you if it was okay to become a vampire, so she told you Jeremy died because of her. And well you saved her despite her telling you not to. We thought If you didn't respect her choices and she didn't respect hers that you two would be even and come together again." Damon explained.

"Do you have any idea how twisted that sounds?" I rolled my eyes.

"Twisted but in a way romantic?" Damon laughed but in a hopeful way.

"No, I thought there was some human left in Elena I guess I was wrong." I walked towards the door until I felt a hand grip onto my arm.

"Stefan wait—" I cut him off.

"No! You can forget about me thinking about us being friends again." I pulled my arm out of his grip and opened the door.

My mouth dropped as she stood there.

"He knows, be careful he's in the mood for a fight." Damon raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Damon can you shut up." I snarled.

"I was actually on my way to tell him the truth.. I followed him." Elena placed the back of her hand on her forehead.

"But why, your plan was working so well." I said sarcastically as I pushed passed her.

"Because I didn't want you feeling guilt for something you didn't have to. I realized I loved you too much to do that too you." Elena looked down at the ground.

"I'm just gone leave you two alone." Damon announced while closing the door giving us privacy.

"Don't. You can't say that anymore." I told her. Avoiding looking into her big brown eyes because I know I'll give in if I do.

"I'm done listening to you tell me over and over again that we're not happening. Because you and I both know that we're endgame." Before I could reply to her words I was interrupted by her lips on mine.

I was unable to remove them. I cupped her face in my hands and vamp speeded her against a tree that was in Damon's yard.

I released my lips from hers as I tried to utter out words when she cut me off.

"Don't say anything, you'll ruin the moment." She smiled.

I'm bringing Caroline back into the story next chapter. *cough cough* Klaroline *cough cough*

Haha but my Stelena Heart has mended back together.

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