Chapter eleven

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[Stefan's P.O.V]

Dear journal,
I'm not quite sure why i decided to do this whole journal thing , but the books I've been reading about anger suggest it, so here it goes. My feelings for Elena.. wow a touchy subject. Well they have never changed, I get the same rush when I see her, touch  her, smell her, hear her.. but all heightened.

But we don't get along like we used to. She's become more protective, acting like I'm her property. I could be over thinking everything, maybe that comes with being a vampire.

Sounds crazy saying it a little over a month later, you'd think I would've gotten used to it, or learned to appreciate the world of vampire's. I haven't though, and that could possibly be the reason me and Elena aren't getting along as well.

For so long I thought Elena was our main problem because she kept messing up, I never even looked at the fact that I may have been the problem. She's trying, fighting for what she wants.. I admire that. Mostly because I never did.

But asides from the topic that is eating me alive, I have one other hill to climb.. Damon. He may be twisted but, I can't help but want to be brothers again. Say it's the memories of our old friendship all you want, but there may be a part of him that does want to be more human. Or at least close to the way things used to be.

I don't think this helped.. at all so bye.

I set the pen down and glanced up at the door, and there stood a tall blonde; Caroline.

"Hey, you." She smiled and walk towards me.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I was happy, a few months ago we put all of the nastiness behind us and became better friends.

"You sound surprised, that long?" She said.

When she got closer she pulled me into a tight embrace, my face buried in her neck. I could smell the blood.

I felt the veins pop out under my eyes. I quickly pulled away, turning around hiding the craving look in my face.

"Well when your ex shows up after not seeing you for 2 months you start to wonder." I explained.

"So how are you, you look good." I tilted my head at Caroline's words.

"Things could be better, but uh how are you? Last I heard you were hitting it off with a guy named klaus." I sat down on the couch in my room.

"Yea, he's been so great with cara. I've also gotten into a great college." I looked down at the mention of Caroline's daughter. It didn't bother me like it used to though.

"That's good." Caroline touched my hand.

"You sound distressed, talk to me." She moved her hand.

"I don't think that it's the best idea." I shook my head.

"Okay, well I've got to pick up cara from Elena's so If you have anything else to say, now would be the time." Caroline stood up from her chair.

"Wait. There is something that has been bothering me." I confessed, I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Yea?" Caroline replied.

"I don't know if I should even say anything, or if I'm aloud." I paused.

"You're not about to tell me that you've murdered someone, right?" Caroline always had a good ability to make me laugh, but thinking back, us as a couple just wasn't right.

"No, something similar though. You probably won't believe me, why would anyone. But I still want to be your friend which is why I need to tell you this, why I need you to trust me." I made eye contact, which pretty much made everything more awkward.

"Stefan, you're scaring me." Caroline focused her gaze more on me.

I sighed. "Okay here goes nothing.. I'm a vampire."

She bursted out into laughter. "A.. vampire? Like from twilight?" She continued to giggle.

"Great you think I'm crazy." I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned back.

"No it's not that, I think you're full of imagination. You never were with me, that must be Elena's doing." Caroline headed towards the door. "Look I've got to get going but if you wanna pick this conversation up again, call me."

"Yep, bye Caroline." As I gave her a goodbye she waved back.

[Elena's P.O.V]
Right now I'm at my house baby-sitting Cara, with Damon. We have been spending time together lately; Damon and I.

I put Cara down for a nap and headed back into the main room where Damon was at.

"Tonight was fun, I just have one question." Damon said.

"Sure what is it?" I raised my eyebrows with curiosity.

"Why did you invite me over to babysit with you, and not Stefan?" I didn't want to talk about Stefan especially since I didn't know where we stood.

"Stefan and I are on better terms than we were, but he still isn't sure about us yet. Plus you seem to be the only person who understands me lately." I told him.

"He just needs time." Damon looked away. "But I don't think spending time with me is gonna better your relationship." He sighed.

"Why is that. You're my friend he knows that." I replied.

"I don't think so." He told me.

"What?" I was confused.

"I told him I liked you, as a friend but I got the vibe he didn't believe me." Damon revealed.

"Didn't believe that you liked me, or that you didn't like me romantically?" My voice began to have an angered tone.

"That I liked you as a friend, but Elena it isn't that big of a deal—" I cut him off by slapping him.

"Why would you tell him anything! You knew how he would take it." Tears rushed to my eyes.

"I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry." He tried to assure me.

"Yea you're right, you weren't thinking." It wasn't even the fact that he talked to Stefan about me, but the way Stefan took it.

I didn't want Stefan to worry about Damon and I, I love Stefan.. it's always gonna be Stefan.

YASS, I managed it write a longer chapter. Very pleased with myself on how frequently I've been updating.

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