Chapter three

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[Elena's P.O.V]
I'm going to Caroline's for a few minutes just to hang out, and talk.

Me and Stefan are leaving in about 3 and a half hours to go to his family's lake house.

I jumped in my car and turned it on. I pressed down on the pedal and started on my way to Caroline's.

When I reach Caroline's house I immediately go up and ring the door bell.

"Hey, you're here!" Caroline shouts as she grabs my arm and pulls me inside.

We rush up to her bedroom and sit on her window-seat.

"You seem happy today?" I mentioned.

"We haven't seen each other in a while and frankly, I need to talk about klaus." Caroline says.

Caroline and I talked about klaus once maybe twice but I've been so busy with Stefan I haven't really caught a break.

Don't get me wrong hanging out with Stefan has been, absolutely amazing. I just, well miss spending time with my only girl-friend.

"So does he have anything to do with your happy mood today?" I chuckled.

"Yes! He came to visit me this morning. Well.. He said that he loved me!" She screamed.

"Wow Caroline I'm so happy for you, did you say it back?" It felt good to talk about this sorta stuff.

"I did, and I meant it." She said.

"Nice, Caroline Forbes.. Had a daughter and found a true love. You're living the dream." I say as we laugh.

"He's so great with Cara." Cara is Caroline's daughter.

"Good." I smile.

"So um, how are things with Stefan?" Caroline is completely over Stefan from what I hear so us talking about my relationship with him is fine and that makes me happy.

"Really, really good. We're actually leaving to his family's lake house in a few hours for a 'romantic getaway'." I raise one shoulder, tilt my head and smile.

"Sounds very intimate." Caroline winks at me.

"Yea, but get this I still can't get over the fact that he never told me that he had a brother, I mean how do you keep something like that a secret." All of a sudden my smile turns into a not so happy frown.

"Did he tell you about their past?" Caroline asked me.

"You knew? He told you?" I'm in shock.

"I thought you knew that?" Caroline now looked in about as much shock as I am in.

"No, err I got to go. It's not you don't worry." I grabbed my bag and Ran out the door. I drove has fast as I could to Stefan's place.

When I arrived I barged in.

"I.. I didn't understand why you didn't tell me after you showed me the letter and told me about your past, it was too hard. But apparently it couldn't have been that hard because you told Caroline." I was upset and all of this was clouding my judgement.

"Elena— No! You listen to me first, I tell you everything, everything! But you don't and truthfully I know nothing about you." I cut Stefan off with rage filling the air.

"Elena, Caroline and me dated for two years! She was around when Damon was good. And as for knowing nothing about me than I guess this isn't real love, huh?" Stefan's words make me feel like such an idiot. I should've known, I mean I knew Caroline's and Stefan's relationship was for two years.

"No it's so real, I'm such an idiot." I say.

"No you're not, because I don't love idiots." He says giving me a flashback to when he first told me he loved me.

"Hey you can't use that line twice!" I yell at him.

"whatever!" He says as he swings me over his shoulder and carries me playfully to the bedroom.

I was laughing as he was tickling me.

"Haha, stop!" I shout while unable to remove the smile on my face.

"Never, I like making you smile." He told me.

"Mm, come here." I told him as i grabbed his neck and smashed my lips onto his.

Our kisses began to get deeper, more passionate.

I pulled away and got up.

"You do this to often." He told me.

"It works doesn't it?" I shrug my shoulders while bringing my hands up giving an 'oh well' look.

"Well what do you say we leave a little early?" He mentioned.

"Ok, I'll race you to the car." I said playfully as we grabbed our bags and headed to his lake house.

A/N: these chapters will be a little shorter as school started a few days ago.

Also on the first chapter of the first book to this sequel it got over 100 views so yay!

Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote and follow:)

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