The Betrayal

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Messiah reflected on it. Again.........
It still hurt as fresh as it had then. He had channeled his pain to rage which developed to vengeance.

The robbery wasn't for money. Not for properties. It was just one of their "things". Torturing the man had been self-satisfying. It had been glorious. They'd spied on the inhabitants for a while. But not closely though. Just enough to know their number and schedules.

The boy had been too easy. They'd wanted more time to make him squirm and shriek. But Viper just took a shot......followed by twenty others and the boy was a knockout.

They had found only the man. The police had come when they'd been looking for the woman. They were late, the man had died. They'd made an animal of him. They'd skinned him. He was sure Rocco still had it. Probably made it into boots or something.

They'd been running to the van. When he got hit. Gaga turned to look back for a moment. Just when he'd thought she'd come back to help him.....they were off. He'd managed of course, whilst they got caught. Prison wasn't enough justification for them or Storm. They had to pay their atonements. It wasn't going to make him walk normally again but it was going to make he himself normal.....well, sort of.

It was now purely a game. He had his players in the right places. Places even I(the writer) don't know about......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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