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Martina's POV
"Guys, today there will be a new girl in our class. She's called Candelaria." When miss Darbus spoke her name, she walked in. She has red hair and she's quite skinny.

"Hello everyone, my name is Candelaria but please call me Cande." She said.

"Well guys, Cande doesn't know the school that good and I want that..." She stopped with talking and gazed at everyone but stopped when her eyes landed on me.



"You are going to show the school to Cande."


"Don't be sad, you'll miss history. That's not stupid" True. I walked to Cande and smiled. "Let's go..."

"So... Tell me something about yourself" I said.

"Well... My name is Cande and I moved here... Alone... My mom died, my dad died, my grandparents died and my brother left to Europe last week. I'm here with my friend..." She said with tears in her eyes. "Sorry... I don't know why you would want to know my problems..."

"No it's okay! I like hearing problems. I can maybe help you or something. Oh and by the way on your left is the canteen." I said. While explaying why the wall is green the first bell rang. Sign that the lesson began. "First bell means the beginning of the lesson" 

"Yeah... I was that far..." She said which made us both laugh. 

"Well I don't know if you wanna hear my problems but uhm yeah... My mom is alive, my dad too and my brother is in New York... Not that interesting..."

"What about your grandparents?"

"Uhm... They're killed..."

"Really? By who?"

"Well... It took the police too long so they dropped it... So that means that we still don't know it..."

"OMG... I'm so sorry for you..."

"No, it's okay. I mean in the beginning I was angry and I wanted to kill the police for not finding out who the murder was... But it's okay now... I don't even know them that well... They died when I was 3 so..." Uhm... 19-3= ... Yeah... I need a calculator... Oh wait! It's 16! 

"They died 16 years ago. They stopped with searching for evidence 2 years ago..." I stopped for a moment and looked at Cande. She was looking with a worried face to me. "Mjeh... I have a weird life..." I said half laughing.

"No! It's a life where a lot of things happen in..." There was a silence for a moment but she started with talking again. "My boyfriend is killed..." She said. 


"Yeah... He was found in his room. Everyone thinks that it's suicide but I think that he is killed"

"You have to find it out!"

"I already tried that for a long time... Don't you wanna find out who killed your grandparents?"

"Of course... That's a thing I wanted to know for a long time... I just don't know where to begin..."

"I don't know either... You don't have a body..."

"No... Wait... Did you look at your boyfriend when he was dead?"

"Yeah... I knew him... I mean... He was my Samu-boy... He wouln't kill himself."

"Hmm... Maybe I can begin with getting through old pictures..."

"Good idea! Can I help you? "

"If you want..."

"Of course! After school?"

"Yeah. Wait... My stuff are still in my boyfriend's house... Shit"

"Had a pretty good vacation didn't you? A lot of fun with your boyfriend I assume..." She said with a smirk on her face. 

"Well no, not at all... I found my boyfriend and best friend in bed... And my other friend didn't even try to listen to me, to care..."

"That's a shame..."

"Yes... So that's why I don't like that my stuff are there"

"Tini? What are you doing here?" There was a voice speaking behind me. A familiar one... Lodo.

"Showing the school to Cande"

"While telling that I went with your boyfriend?"

"Maybe... Does it matter?"

"No... Well yes... I mean I don't like Pepe... It was one big mistake. You know that. I will never hurt you."

"Well you did..."

"And I'm sorry, I swear that I don't want to see that guy ever again..."

"I don't know if I should trust you, or the rest of your family"

"Yeah about that, you hurt my brother. Go say that you're sorry."

"Uhm... As far as I know you're not my mom" I said while thinking. "And most important, I'm not the one who should say sorry. He is, you are, and Pepe is. I'm the one who should complain about everything. But guess what? I'm not. Well to my friends, not to you guys. I don't want to make it even harder than it already is..." And with that I waved at Cande to come. I'm not gonna think about the problem of my friends, I'm gonna show Cande around right now.

The End《Jortini》Where stories live. Discover now