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Martina's POV
1,5 years

After Jorge proposed to me, we decided that we would wait until the day arrived that I had to push a baby out of myself.

We saw my belly growing bigger and bigger. We started to think about names. Although we didn't want to know the gender.

But now I can say that I am proud of my baby boy. When Jorge saw that our little baby had a little member just like him, he was full of joy. We named him after my friend Francisco. Francisco Blanco. The family Blanco. Although I was still a part of being a Stoessel.

The day had arrived. I was standing here in a white wedding dress. Without feathers. Lodo was taking care of my hair while Mechi was doing my make up. In meanwhile Diego, Facu and Rugge were by Jorge. Because he couldn't handle it anymore. DUDE? I JUST PUSHED A KIDDO OUT OF MY-

"Done." Lodo said turning me to the mirror. My hair was gorgeous. Just like my make up.

I stood up and walked to my wedding dress to put it on. It was simple, yet unique. Mechi and Lodo helped me getting it on.


"Ready?" Lodo asked. I replied with a small nod. She gave me the flowers and the door opened. Together with my mom I walked down the aisle. There was a soft music and everyone stood up. I looked around and saw everyone.

My friends were sitting on first row. All smiling. Even Shawn was here. Together with Pepe. Turned out that they were gay.

My eyes got watery when I saw Jorge. Standing in his black tux. Standing proudly next to Rugge, Facu and Diego. When my mom handed my hand to Jorge's I couldn't help but cried.

Jorge pushed me into a hug and whispered in my ear. "She doesn't let you go, she only let you spread your wings." He kissed my tears of my face and gave me one of his beloved smiles.

"We are all gathered together to see two of the greatest people finding each other. Throughout their lives they found out what they meant and what they would mean for each other. "

I don't even know what she said, I was only looking at Jorge like he was looking at me.

I was getting out of my trance when everybody said together 'awh'. We looked behind us and saw Fran, walking with my mom and two rings, down the aisle.

He gave us the rings and hugged us. Which was probably not the intention because my mom pulled him away.

"Jorge and Martina, would you please stand up

We did what she said. Jorge took my hand and kissed it.

"Jorge, will you take care of Martina in health and sickness, in good times or bad times and by rich and poor? What is your answer to this?" It was just if his eyes were looking straight in my soul. Making me more nervous every second. "Yes, I do." He said after a while of starring at me. He put the ring on my finger and turned back to the woman.

Martina, will you take care of Jorge in health and sickness, in good times or bad times and by rich and poor? What is your answer to this?" I took the ring which was laying on the pillow and slipped it on his finger.

"Yes, ofcourse I do!" I said a bit to happy which made the people laugh.

"Then, ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present you mister and miss Blanco. You may now-"

But Jorge couldn't stand it any longer and kissed me right away. He took my hand and walked together with me on the song 'The Start Of Something New' away.

Listen well kids.

Sometimes the end, is just the beginning.
THE END (or just the beginning?) No kidding😂

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Epilogue or not?

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