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Martina's POV
I took the paper and held it above the flame of the candle. Slowly some letters appeared.

"You'll find it in the locker"

"What does that mean?" Cande said while looking with me over my shoulder.

"Duh, we'll find it in the locker. Not that difficult. I mean, I even understand it..." Jorge said while watching over my other shoulder.

"Yeah....Which one geek?" I asked Jorge.

"Uhm, we have to find that out. Duh! Why are you guys so dumb today?"

"And how?" Cande asked this time.

"I don't know... I mean I'm not the smart one..."

"You got to be kidding me..." I said with pure disbelieve. But at the same moment I heard Cande whispering: "Cute" It's that only I heard it, otherwise Jorge would've flipped.

"Maybe you should move the paper above the candle again."

"What did you eat today Jorge?"

"A banana"


"Hell yeah Tinita!" After that he slapped my ass a couple of times and walked away.

"Hmm... I wanted that to me..." Cande murmured.


When other words appeared on the paper I yelled Jorge's name. He came running in the room. "What happened Tinita?" He said while holding my hand with one of his hands and with the other he was striking my cheeks.

"It said: In the swimming pool" I said dryly.

"Tini I thought that someone raped you or something!" He said getting more serious every word.

"Well... Nope... No-one did" He tried to look angry at me but failed. He pushed me closer and hugged me. "Don't do that anymore Tinita" He whispered in my ear.

"I won't..." I whispered back.

"So... Which swimming pool?" Cande asked. Jorge backed of and scratched the back of his head. Sexy... OH HELL NO...

"Well it's almost christmas so..."

"That doesn't help Jorge..."

"I know Tini..."

"Well I think we should look at every swimming pool..." Cande said after a while.

"How are you gonna do that? I mean it's winter, not a lot of swimming pools are open by then..."

"We can try..."

"Well I'm not going with you Candy..."

Cande looked with a sad look at me but started to blush when Jorge told that he was going with her.

After a while Cande left. I told Jorge to go too but he said that he had a surprise for me, so he had to stay. He is in his home now to get the surprise. I really don't hope that it's something special... I mean I always forget to wear those things or to put it on a special place. When people give things to me, it's on the same place 3 months later... That's why I hate flowers as a present, you have to give them water... I forget about that all the time!

That reminds me, I had a fish, it died because I didn't feed it... Later on I realised that I didn't feed him 4 months long... I forget everything...

"I'm back!" A familiar voice said while walking in. Looks like I forgot to lock the door...

"Well Tina, since it's almost my birthday, I decided to spend my last money on you" Oh no... Not something special.

He kneeled down and took little, black box out of his jacket. Oh my...


The End《Jortini》Where stories live. Discover now