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"Hi. I'm Sawyer. Nice to meet you." Sawyer told me as he carried my bags up the stairs. I would so get lost here.

He entered a room, while setting my bags down on the floor. I gasped as i entered. The room was a light shade of purple with magenta and yellow flowers spread across the walls. The bed was a floral print and the pillows were a different shade of pink. There were two bean bags on the ground towards the computer table which had both a laptop and a computer. There was also two dressers, both white, and one had a mini t.v. on it. There was two open doors and as i peeked in, i found, to my surprise, it was a walk in closet and a bathroom. Dang, i could get used to this.

"Wow. I-I don't know what to say." I said louder than expected. Sawyer let out a small chuckle.

"So you like it? It took all of us a while to decorate."

I turned my head, facing him. "Wait. All of you did this? Even Carrie?" I was surprised to know that they did this for me.

"Well yeah. It was gonna be a guest room..." He sounded almost embarrassed to say that. Like it might hurt my feelings. But it didn't.

"Oh cool! And uh, thanks for uh, showing me up to the room." I said without looking at him. I saw him give me a gentle smile. I fidgeted with my fingers.

"Anytime. Well come down for dinner then ok? Its in like 5 minutes." And then he turned on his heel and left. I got a whiff of his cologne, which let me tell you, was extremely attractive.


"Come come Aspen, sit down in one of the chairs. Dinner will be ready shortly." Carrie called out from the kitchen. I slid into the closest chair to me.

"Get out of my seat." A voice boomed. I jerked my head to the sound and found it was Mason's.

"Sorry.." I muttered. What is this guy's problem? He's been nothing but a bitch to me ever since i came. I didn't say anything wrong did it? I barely said anything. He was just being a jerk.

Great first impression, Mason.

As the time past, i noticed that all the seats at the table were taken. I wonder if anyone else noticed that too, me standing in the corner.

"Oh goodness. Get that girl a seat, SOMEONE!" Rick boomed his voice through out the whole room. Everyone stood up ready to go get me a chair, except Mason. Well then.

I shook my head. "No, no Mr. McKay. I guess I'll just wait till everyone's finished." I gave him a smile. Everyone then sat down.

"Nonsense. We can't let a guest wait while we eat, can we? Oh and call me Rick, sweetheart." I now noticed Rick's chiseled feature. All his kids had a resemblance to him, mostly Sawyer. They had the same golden hair, the same jaw, and the same gorgeous smile. Rick was basically an older version on his son.

I smiled. At least there were three people in this family that acknowledged me and been nice to me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "You can sit on my lap, babe." I turned around to face a kid who looked about 13.

"No thank you..." I answered, with a slight confusion on my face.

"Thats Carter. He's the biggest flirt for his age." Carrie told me as she came with a dish in her hand. All the boys stared at it with a 'let me get in your pants' expression on their face. I rolled my eyes and tore my bangs from my face. Typical boys.

"He's also a big baby." One of the boys called out, and i saw a little kid looking at me. Must be Jason.

"Im actually a babe. A babe with the ladies." He said while giving me a smirk and wiggling his eye brows.

Then a loud screech tore my eyes from the little ones. A chair was moving across the floor. Mason, then abruptly got up and left. But not before saying "stupid bitch." I guess I'm the only one that heard his remark.


Dinner was different. After Mason left, they told me to sit in his chair. 'They' being his brothers. So i obeyed. And after, we continued to talk about the first day of school.

I was heading up to my room when i realized i entered a hallway i had not recognized. "Lost?" A voice spoke.

I looked behind me and saw a angel. No let me rephrase that. I saw Parker.

"Yeah. Can u help me get to the room I'm staying in?" I asked nicely noticing they blue eyes he has.

He chuckled. "You can just say 'my room'." He took my hand and tore me from my spot in the hallway. We entered another hallway, this one looking familiar. He then pointed to my room. "There you go."

"Thanks." I replied and he then left. As i entered my room, I saw something lying on my bed, better yet, i saw Sawyer lying on my bed. Half naked. Those eight packs...

"Uh hi.." I said aloud for him to contact my eyes with his.

"Uh hey. Um well what are you doing here?" He asked with one eyebrow perched up. He sat up as i noticed he had a magazine in his hand.

"I'm supposed to stay here?" I replied, confusion hitting me.

"This is my room....Unless you want to stay here instead of yours." He gave me a smirk.

I felt a tint of red come up on my cheeks, barely there. I was really confused but then i looked around and saw a blue room. Not a purple one.

"Oops. Wrong room." I hurried out of there with my heart beating rapidly. I heard a howl of laughter and as i turned my head, I saw Parker rolling on the ground, laughing his head off.

I already hate you, asshole. Oops i meant Parker.

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