tmb 15

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Hi my loves! So so so so so so so sorry for being such a horrible updater, I just haven't gotten around to updating.

I've been swarmed with school work and other stuff and I'm currently drowning in my own stress lmAO

I know that's no excuse for being such a shitty author but I truly am sorry and I hope you guys can find a way to forgive me.

So here it is, the update you all have been waiting for!

WARNING: not edited hehehe whoopsies

I opened my mouth to speak but I really had no idea what to say.

All the guys circled around me with stern looks plastered on each of their faces. The only one who didn't look angry was a guy that I didn't particularly recognize, and if Hulk and the Rock had a lover child, it would be that guy. I'm assuming this was Derek, who had an amused look on his face.

I waved and smiled a slick smile, "Hey guys! Funny seeing you all here ha..I'm just gonna....go-" I looked around for a way out and as soon as I found one, I made a run for it. Of course, the immense amount of lounging around on the couch as my friends went to track practice didn't work out in my favor. The guys blocked my way out, leaving me to pout and look up at them.

Charlie was the first one to speak out, "What'd you hear?" He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, as though he was trying to be the bad cop. But we all know he was only putting on a facade.

I got up from my crouched position and dusted off my jeans. Shrugging I said, "Not really anything, my ears have been giving me a bit of a hard time recently."  I motioned to my ear and began acting as though I didn't just hear the guys being all secretive. "Any of you think I should get them checked out?"

They didn't find my humor funny, the opposite really. "This isn't funny, what the fuck did you hear?" Mason decided to raise his voice.

I put my hands up in defence, "I didn't hear anything," I focused my sight on the new guy, "Have we met?"

His amused grin became even bigger than before, "The names Derek, sugar. These fellas giving you a hard time?"

I widened my eyes and pouted my lips, the classic puppy dog look. "Yeah, do you think you can get them off my dick, it's turning purple"

"Shut the fuck up, both of you!" Charlie shouted, "Aspen, go back inside, we'll all discuss this later."

"Yikes who pissed in your milk?" I said as I started walking back into the house. As I reached the door, I turned around and noticed all the guys watching me. I winked at them and walked inside.


Couple hours had passed and everyone slowly left the house. The entire house was trashed, including my room where I'm pretty sure a couple decided to get their mojo on. I made a mental note to change those sheets.

I picked up the red cups and threw them in the black plastic garbage bags that surprisingly had a lemon scent to them. I walked into the kitchen where I saw Jason drinking a glass of milk. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" I asked while smiling.

His eyes were half closed and his head was slowly falling until he heard me speak. "I couldn't sleep. People kept knocking on my door and they kept saying they wanted to use my room but I told them the bathroom was a couple doors down"

My eyes widened realizing that they didn't need the bathroom, "Aw you poor baby. Finish that glass of milk and go straight up to your room, okay?" I saw another red cup on the counter and threw it in the bag.

He half nodded and half groaned, "Yes mom"

I ruffled his hair and got back to cleaning up the mess. Halfway through, the doorknob started jiggling and all the boys shortly piled in afterwards. I didn't know whether to bring up the entire situation myself or let them just forget about it. I decided on the latter.

Gonna just slowly make my way up to my roo-


I turned around and looked right into Mason's eyes. Gorgeous eyes, I might add. "What's cracking good looking?" I swear, being in this house full of future male models is really taking a toll on me.

His grim look didn't fade although I thought I noticed his eyes soften for just a split second. "We need to talk."

I frowned, "For the last time, I didn't hear anything!" I lied right through my teeth, "Why don't you guys trust me?"

All of them immediately looked bad, including Parker and Sawyer who had yet to say something. Charlie started to scratch his head, "Hey, she probably didn't hear anything. And even if she did, we didn't let any information out"

For some reason I really wanted to give that man a hug.

"Can I go now?" I began to plead only to have a rejection thrown at me.

Sawyer yawned, "No you have to clean up, this place is a mess." He sniffed his armpit and scrunched up his face, "And so am I. Time to go hit the shower"

As soon as he said that Parker let out an ear-splitting fart that I swear was probably heard all the way in China. His face turned bright red.


"Smells worse than Jason's shit"

"I think i'm gonna be sick"

Two voices started shouting from the second floor, "What kind of explosion woke us up?" The twins poked their head over the railing, and everyone died laughing.


Sorry if this is short, hope it made you guys laugh.

Im gonna start to evolve Aspens character a bit more cause she's so bland loL

Anyways, your utmost real and raw thoughts are what make me happy so make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you thought!

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