There Are Always Toys

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In one calloused hand there waited a yellow brontasaurus, or was it a brachiosaurus? The long neck one. Donovan was never any good with dinosaurs. He had not even seen the Land Before Time, let alone had dinosaur toys to play with as a child. His dark head pivoted to his other palm to assess the spinosaurus with the big sail down its back and fearsome sharp teeth. 

Decisions, decisions. Why was he voted the one to pick the wife-to-be of the evil Mr. T-Rex? His brother Liam, Alpha of the Wind Runners, was out of town with his Luna, Seren. They would return from their trip in time for Gilly's birthday party and Seren had volunteered to paint a plastic dinosaur to look feminine while Cara (her mother) would make her a wedding dress. The problem was, they had sent him out unprepared to get a plastic dinosaur without any specifications. It was like sending a dog out to fetch a ball and expecting it not to come back with a rock or stick. 

Wrong analogy. Donovan glowered at the toys and opted for the spinosaurus, imagining that Mr. T-Rex was going to have a very uncomfortable wedding night, though it was his own fault for not finding his own female. 

With a heavy sigh, the giant alpha carried his toy up to the cash register, giving the tall cashier a wink. The girl flipped her red ponytail over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow. 

"You find everything okay?" The look on her face did not appear to convey any interest in his muscles.

He flexed them just to be sure; she noticed. "Yes, I did." There, seductive voice always works. 

"Great. A lot of people like to play by themselves," she smiled smugly with a slight eye roll, totally unimpressed. 

Donovan's mouth opened and he mutely handed over his card. "I do not play by myself! I have lots of friends!" He protested. As soon as she started laughing, he noticed all the people staring at his outburst. 

Grumbling, he snatched Mrs. T-Rex, his card and receipt and stormed out of the building. It seemed that lately his charms were falling short. He had not gotten laid since he was caught by Seren, plowing one of his brother's pack mates. What a wonderful first impression she had of him!

He would love to mess around with his own pack mates, but that could be seen as a weakness, or be used to influence him. Luckily for those ladies, they had been finding their mates left and right during the disbanding of Liam's neighboring packs. Those that could not bear to remain under his leadership, moved eastward into his domain. He was happy enough to take them after a positive evaluation, expanding his pack until it had engulfed those on his own borders. They had been peaceful merges, those wolves wanting to mix and be a part of the strongest pack. The only scuffle had been between their reluctant alphas and Donovan, though he had always been the stronger, younger or larger in those scraps so the fights were short and not lethal. Now, Liam's land stretched from the west coast to Colorado and his began there and reached to Indiana. As Liam's grew, Donovan conceded more of his western front in order to creep east, the two brothers working as a team to engulf the entire states. 

And still not a damn mate to be found, Donovan thought sourly. Though, perhaps since he had been born in Ireland, his mate was more likely to be overseas. Seren had been in Washington, however, about as far away as possible. It was said that there were several possible soul mates out there for each wolf, hence why second and even chances were not unheard of. Whichever mate a wolf found first was the one they would bind to, only able to sense or recognize another if that bond was severed. Donovan had been reluctant to meet Seren in case he and Liam shared a mate as some wolves from the same litter often did. Even though she was not, he would have gladly accepted the beautiful wolf. Hell, I would accept any she wolf at this point!

"I have to admit Mrs. T, I feel like the Goddess, pairing you up with that sleaze bag Gilly has. She swears he is good now, but I don't know. He may need a woman's touch. I hope you feel that glittery joy everyone talks about when you meet him. Unfortunately, you sure look like a boy dinosaur right now. I'm sorry for the forced sex change we are going to give you," he said to the figure on his dash board. He wondered if he took the toy to the bar and set it on the counter if it would give some woman a conversation starter. They might just think he had escaped from a mental hospital or had a strange addiction. 

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