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With the chicken coop situated just to the east of the house, it was sheltered from the harsh winds that could accumulate strength over the vast expanses of northern land, gilded with an icy northern chill in the winter time. Attached to the garage, it could be heated when temperatures were extra low. The small flock did not know how good they had it. 

Adsila knew they were happy. She could hear them in the morning from inside her small home, clucking and crowing their news to the world. Rough hewn stone walls were covered in her own paintings, holding the heat of the wood burning fireplace when she had it going and releasing it at night. The house was very tidy and well-kept, having been in her family for several generations. Just like the warmth of the fire, the energy and love instilled into the home over so long was held and given back to her. 

Collapsing into a squishy arm chair, she touched her X box with her big toe and waited for the screen to come alive. Her mother would have scolded her for such a distraction from her practice, wasting her focus on such a mind numbing thing like video games, but they sure knew how to help a gal unwind after a long day. 

Her cell buzzed from somewhere in the crease of the furniture, always trying to bury itself awkwardly out of her reach and she let loose a huff of frustration. Charles. Always with the doting! How did one tell their significant other to piss off for just one damn night? It didn't help that he was sweeter than a mouth-puckering candy, always concerned for how she had weathered the day. Were there any tough patients, babe? How was Mrs. Willoughby, honey? Any cool stories from your vets, sugar? Though working in a retirement center was rewarding, wiping intentionally soiled bottoms of ancient humans and trying to convince them to take their medication was equally exhausting. As if it weren't enough that she had to smile through so many painful moments every day, coming home to an overly talkative and fatuous boyfriend could make her snappy. 

Addy loved Charles. Who wouldn't? He would probably be re-elected mayor of their tiny town yet again just because he exuded sunshine from his pores. She had to wonder if he was mixing up his own brews when he wasn't with her. If he got under her skin so much, why did she continue to date the guy? Because they had been close friends when her parents had died and he had helped her through each and every day afterward, coaxing her into taking another step forward when she wanted to melt into the ground that they were buried in. Over time, that friendship had become more and Addy had believed they were meant to be, except...Hell, she did even know what was wrong with her that made her question it! 

Nobody else had stepped in to help the girl who killed her own father in self-defense after he brutally beat his wife to death. No, sir. They had called her cursed and avoided her since then. Maybe she became a little rough around the edges after that, but that had just made Charles work even harder to be the golden boy of the town. 

Now people were nice to her face. No divination or meditating on the subject was needed to catch a whiff of that insincerity. 

Charles: Let's go out tomorrow. I ran into Stacia at the market today and we both agree that it's time to get out! What do you say?

Her stomach recoiled at the suggestion, but before she could make up an excuse, her cell vibrated again urgently over and over.

Stacia: Saw Charles today. He suggested we go out some time. 

How bout tomorrow? U free?

Omg, so excited! Lol, u need to live ur life gurl! Wear the red dress. Meow. ;P

Thumbs were poised to respond when she heard the faint sound of the chickens squawking and clucking in that quick way that meant they were alarmed. That only ever happened after dark when a fox or raccoon was prowling about. 

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